View Full Version : funny comment at the pet store

lucky melatonin
01-04-2008, 10:40 AM
i went to this pet store the other day to get some pellet and nutberries (our first try at nutberries, he loves them). i met the owner while i was there and he was talking to me and he said, "ya know, a lot of people think reptile people are the most off-the-wall people...but bird people really are!!" :rofl: :rotfl :lol he says he means it in a good way.

just thought it was funny because i started thinking of all the people i've known that had birds, and myself...and i'm pretty strange...and most of them are too. :lol

01-04-2008, 11:34 AM
We have to be crazy to keep up with our birds I think:rotfl

01-04-2008, 12:57 PM
i went to this pet store the other day to get some pellet and nutberries (our first try at nutberries, he loves them). i met the owner while i was there and he was talking to me and he said, "ya know, a lot of people think reptile people are the most off-the-wall people...but bird people really are!!" :rofl: :rotfl :lol he says he means it in a good way.

just thought it was funny because i started thinking of all the people i've known that had birds, and myself...and i'm pretty strange...and most of them are too. :lol

I would have to agree with him, 100%! :D My dog vet kept telling me that if I thought bird people were crazy I needed to check out a reptile show. I did and there were some strange creatures there, human and non, but noting that compares to what I see at bird fairs.

When I told my husband that I'd decided that bird people are a little off their nut, he told me I'd finally found my calling.....as a "bird" person! :D

01-06-2008, 09:12 AM
What about ferret people? I think I needs me one of them precious babies!

01-06-2008, 11:30 AM
i guess i am wierd, i have dogs, cats, a draft african frog (the only reptile i like), fish, and birds...i dont see me wierd really but i guess i am lol...everybody says i should own a petstore, or i should work at a zoo....lol

01-06-2008, 01:21 PM
Tessie, if loving lots of different creature makes us seem weird or crazy, aren't we the lucky ones? :D I honestly feel sorry for people who aren't "bird crazy" cause they are really missing out on a great pet relationship!

After I went to that reptile show I could easily see how people get interested in them. I saw "creatures" that I've never seen before and didn't know existed! My husband was so relieved that I did not come home with a snake or two and believe me, I was tempted! :whistle:

01-06-2008, 05:43 PM
I'm not crazy, everyone else is! :whistle:

01-06-2008, 05:51 PM
have you ever noticed those who love animals usually are very kind people? so if weird..crazy falls in that catergory...more of us are needed!

01-07-2008, 05:51 PM
i guess i am wierd, i have dogs, cats, a draft african frog (the only reptile i like), fish, and birds...i dont see me wierd really but i guess i am lol...everybody says i should own a petstore, or i should work at a zoo....lol

Frogs are amphibians, not reptiles ;)

I've had such a crazy variety of pets and cared for a bunch 'o species (avian, mammal, reptile & amphibian) native to NJ. I did work in a pet store while in college and the "weirdest" people I ever encountered were the hermit crab people. Nice folks, of course but TOTALLY enslaved to their crabbies. Which was a nice thing, since so many people think of hermit crabs as disposable pets.

01-07-2008, 06:52 PM
How would one be "totally enslaved" to a hermit crab?

01-07-2008, 06:59 PM
i had turtles too is that a reptile?....sorry i am a bit confused lol...i miss my turtles my mother got rid of them when i was 14, there where big already

01-08-2008, 12:20 PM
Odd, strange, weird, "off the wall" Nope, none of those describe me at all...:whistle:

01-08-2008, 03:14 PM
All I can say is that there are days (even months) that I like animals better than people! :rofl: :rofl:

If I had the resources and space, I would have a zoo!:rolleyes:

01-08-2008, 03:59 PM
Hey tax and becky you know denile is not the river that runs through egypt lol

01-08-2008, 07:19 PM
How would one be "totally enslaved" to a hermit crab?

Oh, my... always buyiing bigger and better aquariums, searching for the perfect grapewood pieces for them to climb on, making sure they had proper shells... and rarely, if ever, going away for fear that a pet-sitter might not care for the little crabbies properly. Hmmm... come to think of it, I'm kind of the same way about my pets so I guess I've always been enslaved to my critters :whistle:

i had turtles too is that a reptile?....sorry i am a bit confused lol...

Yup, turtles are reptiles. I never had a pet turtle, although I did once find a rare spotted turtle in the ditch behind my house. I thought that he was cute and would make a nice pet, so I did what any 5 year old girl would do: I brought him home and put him in my dresser drawer. Thankfully my mother brought up the laundry within a few hours of my doing so. "Spot" was returned to his ditch promptly.

01-09-2008, 09:29 AM
Hey tax and becky you know denile is not the river that runs through egypt lol

:rofl: :happy: :rotfl

Okay that was corny, but it totally made me laugh! Thanks!!

01-09-2008, 10:40 AM
lol....well i think i am enslave of my pets....nobody gets along everybody has their time even when i am working hard....they are like my babies, i have to have many toys for my chihuahuas, my cat, my birds....because when i work i dont want them bored....i clean after them...sometimes my chihuahuas are a mess....so they poop everywhere so everytime they eat i have to rush them outside....and they hate snow or rain so i have to let them out at least for like 3 minutes...they dont like my cat, they acepted her but they kick her out of the bed or the sofa....so i have to have higher places for her like those furtinure for cats...so she is always walking around on top of those things...her food is up high too because my chihuahuas would eat her food....my birds well once my chihuahuas are inside my room tired of walking outside with me i take the birds out my cockatiel is always on my shoulder and the lovebirds always flyring around or eating the movil i have hanging in the kitchen...the parakeet i let her out by herself...and my fish every 2 weeks i vacu the tanks every month i do a 30%water change in both ten gallon thanks...and i clean my betta bowls every two weeks...i find my way to go out with my friends and spend time with my boyfriend and my job and school...gosh thank god i dont have kids yet....