View Full Version : disgusted and upset and unsure of what to do.

lucky melatonin
01-05-2008, 08:59 PM
i went to this pet store in sevierville today. and i saw the most horrible living conditions for birds ever.

many of the birds (especially the larger ones, macaws and cockatoos) looked SO bad...it looked like their feathers had been shredded and they were so dirty looking. there were too many to one small cage. for example, they had two cockatoos in a medium sized cage. an amazon in the size of cage my lovebird is in (20x20) and he was so overweight, he did not move the entire time i was in there. and ten lovebirds in one cage that was probably the same size maybe a tad bigger (although, they looked healthy, you never know..) the cages looked like they hadn't been scrubbed down in months. poop and food was caked to the bars and to the wall behind the cages. not to mention a patch of the wall was missing where a macaw was CHEWING (chewing PAINT!)...i mentioned something to my mom about how bad the cages were and needed to be scrubbed. i guess the guy working (maybe owner??) heard me because a few moments later he said to another employee, "yeah and these cages need to be scrubbed down..." yeah, guy, i'm not stupid. there were GNATS all over in there too. I WAS HORRIFIED >: my mom said, "you know i don't know anything about that stuff, but i know that's not right and every single one of those animals has to be miserable."

i'm so upset about it and i'm unsure of what i should do. is this STANDARD, normal?? is there somewhere i can report it? or will it be ignored??

01-05-2008, 09:27 PM
You can report things like this to the local Humane Society or even see if there is a bird rescue in your area. They can contact the right people or direct you to the right people.

Those conditions sound horrible. I would talk to the owner of the store and make a formal complaint. I would tell them that you will be contacting the proper authorities on the matter to make sure something will be done.

The only problem is that most places (authorities that is) do not have a standard of living for birds like they do with cats and dogs. So sometimes they cannot find anything wrong as long as the birds have food and water..no matter how horrible the food is....

Just be persistent and make sure the authorities follow through.

01-05-2008, 10:27 PM
hi....yes u can report that, i was going to adopt a parrolet from a lady that worked for the local humane society and she told me how she goes to every single petstore, and if she sees something not right she will take them to vets and will take them away from the store....she got the parrolet because someone just left it at a store...gosh people are stupid....anyways

01-05-2008, 10:52 PM
Emily. I would take measures to try reporting those conditions first to the proper authorities. You may try contacting Karen Lively at the Tenn Valley humane society at 865 215-6599. The next place to try would be the Knoxville city animal control center at 865 215-7457 or County animal control at 865 215-6658. Explain to them the conditions these birds are living in as best you can. If you can manage to sneak a few digital photo's w/o flash that would be great. Should the proper authorities follow through, then would be a good time to follow through yourself to see that their cared for in a humane fashion. Wish you and them the best of luck.

01-05-2008, 11:04 PM
That situation is intolerable. I would certainly be reporting them.

01-05-2008, 11:33 PM
I was in your shoes tonight me and my sister were wasting time before a movie so we stopped into Petland(i don't personally like this place but it was the only thing open at the time) I was looking at the birds that they had. It was close to closing time and the employee's were cleaning up well in the process they came over to the birds "pens" and took out the water and food bowls emptied them out and never put them back in. One pen housed a little amazon and they took out everything toys, food, water, perches, the poor little bird just walked around and would bang his head into the plastic sides of the container and then eat the bedding that was in there.

They had lovebirds housed with parakeets and a mix of gcc with cockatiels, indian ringneck parakeets, and a senegal. I just can't believe why they would take everything out of the pens, why wouldn't you leave it in there, I know that in the middle of the night i can hear my birds eating and playing with some of their toys then heading back to bed.

01-06-2008, 12:24 AM
my chichi comes from petland...and yeah they arent really good with fish or birds....i am not an expert and i was telling the manager why i cant take the fish he offer me and the bird he offer me and he told wow u know a lot...are u a manager in any petstore?...since that day the other employees dont like me lol...but i just go there to buy aquatic plants for my fish...the bird toys are expensive and ugly....they do have some pretty birds but u never know....if i ever work in a petstore i would tell my manager to make everybody clean cages and tanks....i just hate dirty stores...petco is another store i dont like how they have the fish and birds....but anyways....u should call those numbers and help those poor parrots!

01-06-2008, 10:49 AM
Emily, that is so sad and I'm sorry that it's happening to those birds.....and many, many more! Honest to God, I do everything in my power to stay out of stores that sell dogs/cats/birds and if I really have to stop in, I use my hand to shield the animals from my view.

I had a totally different experience here yesterday when I stopped by my favorite bird specialty store (birds and fish only), The Aviarium. I went into the bird room, something I can never resist when I'm there to buy seed or toys, and every bird in the room looked so well cared for. :) A young girl working there was carrying around a young B & G and a couple who were bird shopping were holding the cutest little GCC. The water bowls were as clean as possible considering many of their birds are large and messy and every single cage is large and roomy enough for the species in it, has more than one perch, more that a couple of toys, plenty of food and was clean (as possible). They require that you use a hand sanitizer before you enter the bird room and customers are not allowed to touch or handle any bird in the room unless an employee is there helping. It is the only retail pet bird store that I actually would buy a bird from. Family owned and operated and one of a kind. As you might expect they are pricey but they do their best to sell healthy, happy and friendly birds and their turn-over is excellent. Not a single lovebird in the room yesterday. I have personally heard the managers tell people how much work and expense is involved in healthy bird care and that birds need to be seen by a vet, just like dogs and cats do. Their birds are seen by the same avian vet that I use. They never down-play the "not so fun" part of owning a bird.

I would definitely call the numbers Michael listed. I don't know what if anything will be done but it's always worth a try.

01-06-2008, 11:34 AM
wow i would love to work at the store janie was writing about....sounds like a good store...

01-06-2008, 01:16 PM
wow i would love to work at the store janie was writing about....sounds like a good store...

It really is a good store and Jackie (Butterfly) and I are lucky to have this store in Atlanta. I bought Oliver's first big cage there, before I knew about bird fairs, but I still give them a lot of business and am thankful to have a store like that and employees who really do put the birds welfare first. Rare! :)

01-06-2008, 02:52 PM
Janie :) . I'm glad you shared the information regarding this wonderful pet shop. They truly deserve lots of praise for all the effort used in making sure their birds are well cared for. I totally agree your also correct about not knowing if much can be done regarding notification of abuse to the proper authorities. But again, like you said, we know its 'always' worth a try. I'd like to also point out that although we'd often times like to use a "no holds barred" reaction to handling certain managers/breeders/employees, sometimes its better to offer a kind remark instead. Because many of these type poeple will extenuate abuse or conditions contrary to the truth, its generally more helpful to lend a positive approach to any improvements that may "follow" the reporting of abuse or neglect. I prefer to stay anonymous in situations like these as it helps limit any repercussions towards the animals in question and the poeple who may frequent the store. Of course, thats if they ever do again after having to witness such poor conditions.

01-06-2008, 05:29 PM
I bought my Beezle from a small pet store that I use to work at, so I know they are at least clean, but I know the birds there are unsocialized... There are two bird experts working at that store too. I'm sure that it's hard for some stores to find experts at times, like a petco by my house had to get rid of all the saltwater fish because they didn't have a salt water specialist, but at the same time if they did that with everything there because there was no specialist they might not have any animals to sell and not make any money...

It's obvious to us what makes a bad living condition for our precious little birds, but some people are lazy and stupid... I would freak out if I saw what you saw, something has to be done, but what I wouldn't know :(

01-06-2008, 05:42 PM
Emily, that is so sad and I'm sorry that it's happening to those birds.....and many, many more! Honest to God, I do everything in my power to stay out of stores that sell dogs/cats/birds and if I really have to stop in, I use my hand to shield the animals from my view.

I had a totally different experience here yesterday when I stopped by my favorite bird specialty store (birds and fish only), The Aviarium. I went into the bird room, something I can never resist when I'm there to buy seed or toys, and every bird in the room looked so well cared for. :) A young girl working there was carrying around a young B & G and a couple who were bird shopping were holding the cutest little GCC. The water bowls were as clean as possible considering many of their birds are large and messy and every single cage is large and roomy enough for the species in it, has more than one perch, more that a couple of toys, plenty of food and was clean (as possible). They require that you use a hand sanitizer before you enter the bird room and customers are not allowed to touch or handle any bird in the room unless an employee is there helping. It is the only retail pet bird store that I actually would buy a bird from. Family owned and operated and one of a kind. As you might expect they are pricey but they do their best to sell healthy, happy and friendly birds and their turn-over is excellent. Not a single lovebird in the room yesterday. I have personally heard the managers tell people how much work and expense is involved in healthy bird care and that birds need to be seen by a vet, just like dogs and cats do. Their birds are seen by the same avian vet that I use. They never down-play the "not so fun" part of owning a bird.

I would definitely call the numbers Michael listed. I don't know what if anything will be done but it's always worth a try.

That sounds like ThatPetPlace. You can't even get past the door in the birdroom without using hand sanitizer and they have it by the exit too (different doors, enter on one end and exit the other). Every time I've gone in there they were chopping fresh veggies for the birds.

The store that used to be down the street from me and also the store in York where Ditto came from, were both bird and fish only stores. Most of the birds there weren't even in cages during the day. They all had wing clips and hung out on branches with plenty of ropes to climb and toys to play with. Their areas had 3 1/2 high walls surrounding them a few feet beyond the branches. The employees played with the birds all day long and it was unusual to see one without at least one parrot hanging on their shoulder. They had the friendliest Blue and Gold Macaw I ever met. He'd wave his foot and say Hi every time I walked in. I wish that store was till open.

01-06-2008, 06:05 PM
Janie...I agree with you...I almost feel guilty about it but I too stay away from those "seedy" pet stores..it just breaks my heart...the ones in the "malls" are just as bad as the ones in the strip malls. i stopped in one last summer and they had some birds in a back room with a window in cages piled on top of one another no toys..dirty..no light..i couldn't stand it! i did say something to the young girl who was working there...i wasn't nasty, just told her how i felt sorry for those birds..i won't go in them anymore.

however, like you we have a bird store "bird paradise" which i believe lives up to it's name. they are great with their birds. you also have to go through the sanitize drill..including clothes. altho i can bring peaches in for clippings they don't sell or allow lovebirds near the "other" parrots as they believe lovies have more of a chance carrying disease. at least that was what i was told. but that's okay, peaches just sits in her little cage when i take her in..while i go play with the other parrots. they have a large open room and open areas where the birds can play and interact with humans..plus they have a room full of cages where the little finches, canaries, lories..etc are kept. brightly lit! always clean...i love it there! plus on weekends they have free soft pretzels and soda for visitors..and a very large sitting room with couches, chairs and perches for the fids where prospective buyers can sit and play with their birds. it's just a wonderful place to go.

Pips mom
01-06-2008, 10:05 PM
I could never stay away from a pet store with birds in it! Every one around here though has pretty good conditions for their birds. We have a petco and it's always clean and the birds cages are always spotless and they are in a bird room that is kept warmer for them. There is one pet store that has two african greys, a military macaw, and one other large parrot I am unsure what kind he is, and they are out of cages alot of times and they are rescue birds that live there at the store and not for sale. I love to go in and see them! They only sell smaller birds and rarely have lovebirds, but this is the pet store where Pip came from. Just the other day I went in and they had 4 baby lovebirds----how cute! two were yellow and the other two were green with the reddish faces----they were all cuddled together in the corner! Then I went in again yesterday and they had gotten bigger and up on the perch! So cute! I said to them-----you guys are so cute---but I know what little monsters you are! lol
Anyway, even if a pet store had bad conditions, I would still be in it checking things out. Just because you don't go in, doesn't get rid of the problem, and there are still birds there in bad conditions, even if you stay away! No! I would be right in there no matter what trying to do whatever I could to make the conditions better for them! I wouldn't be able to stay away.

01-07-2008, 09:21 AM
Anyway, even if a pet store had bad conditions, I would still be in it checking things out. Just because you don't go in, doesn't get rid of the problem, and there are still birds there in bad conditions, even if you stay away! No! I would be right in there no matter what trying to do whatever I could to make the conditions better for them! I wouldn't be able to stay away.

If I stumbled into a situation like the one Emily described, I definitely would take steps to correct it but I've lived and learned and really do my best to avoid walking in in the first place, if possible. "Petland" sells one of the seeds I use and I occasionally run out (when I don't buy enough at a bird fair) and have to pick up a bag there. They sell dogs and cats and while they say they are not from puppy mills, I don't believe it and do shield my eyes when I walk by. I can't save them all and I know that.

I have actually visited one Petco here where the birds were very well cared for. I had a long talk with the manager and he was so knowledgeable and took me into his office where he kept several young Sun Conures that he was hand feeding and socializing. He was stunned at what *I* know about birds and told me that 90% of the people bird shopping have no clue what they're getting into. Unfortunately, I think that store is the exception rather than the rule. He swore to me that every Petco has a bird specialist and I hope that's true but it's not what I've observed in their other stores. The employee turn-over is too high so it seems that even when they do get a good "bird" employee, they're gone before you know it.

It is good to hear that some of you do have some good birds stores in your area. :) In a city this size, I only know of ONE where I would actually purchase a bird.

I agree that not going in doesn't solve the problem but not buying from them, birds or supplies, does make a difference and that is why I try very hard not to give them my business. The only thing I buy from Petsmart and Petco is Science Diet dog food and if the grocery stores carried it, I'd buy it there instead.