View Full Version : Bonds?

07-14-2005, 02:12 PM
Lovebirds are supposed to form tight bonds...

I got Lily to be PP's bird... However, PP, instead of bonding to Lily, is VERY aggressive towards Lily. (Chases her from toys, feeding dishes, water dishes, perches, etc.)

I got both birds from Petsmart (So they have not been socialized!), but as I got PP first, spent more time with her. Hence, she, away from her cage, is very sweet, stays were I put her, will let anyone pet her, seek out toys (aka anything that sparks her attention, especially glasses and jewelry etc.). She LOVES her toys, is very confident, loves exploring, etc. and in short, is very happy and comfortable in her household.

Lily is PP's bird, and so besides from basic care and daily interaction from me, she tries to follow PP around, and has slowly learning from PP how to play with toys, how to nip me, etc. However, she is still very shy and nervous around people.

So if the birds arnt bonded to each other, and arn't really bonded to me... how will this affect them mentally and emotionally without the tight bond their famous for?

I don't worry about PP since she seems very headstrong, but I do worry about Lily since she tries so hard to be PP's friend!

PP only lets Lily come near her when SHE needs her head preen, or at night time when she needs a warm body to keep cozy. Other than that, she ignores Lily or attacks Lily when Lily gets in her way.

07-14-2005, 02:22 PM
are both of your birds female? if so then you really shouldnt keep them in the same cage together....if they were both male then you could do that, but hens tend to get territorial, especially when in nesty mode....from all I have read on these boards, you could find one of your birds dead, as a result of a nesty hen being territorial....
You should really consider seperating them to different cages, and put the cages next to each other...if they truely need another bird living in the same cage with them, you should consider getting them each a male to house with.(if you dont want to go through the baby thing,,,,then that wouldn't be such a good idea though)
Maybe if they were in seperate cages and you let them play together during out of the cage time, you may see a difference in their attitudes with each other.....but really two hens, from what I understand, should not be in the same cage together. It is asking for trouble.
take care, and good luck

07-14-2005, 03:06 PM

I thought at first they would bond to each other, and after introducing them, they seemed fine, until of course, PP got "hormonal."

They are now in seperate cages.

So if they're not bonded to each other, and not to me...who are they going to bond with? I definitely am not ready to get anymore lovies anytime soon. It just seems that kept in the same cage, PP is quite aggressive, kept in seperate cages, they both seem quite anxious to get together. lol


07-14-2005, 06:51 PM
kept in seperate cages is best. Maybe at play time they will get along just fine. I would keep their cages next to each other and they can still see each other and talk to each other, but they cant hurt each other,,,and thats for the best. I dont think they need to have another bird living with them. I have 4 females each in their own cage and they dont have a mate as yet...They are doing just fine. (I have 10 lovebirds) so they can all see and hear each other and so far, I dont see a problem. They all have an abundance of toys, millet and treats to eat, things to climb on and they all go to sleep somewhere around 8:30p and I dont have to do anything to make them go to sleep,,they just do it.
I would keep them apart unless it's play time outside the cage. Otherwise you could come home one day to one of your lovies dead, and Im sure you dont want that.
They say it is a MYTH that you have to have two lovebirds housed in one cage, you can own just one lovebird and that would be fine. It wont die because there are no other lovebirds around. Ask any number of members on this forum, there are plenty that have just one lovie.
Good luck and take care,

Buy A Paper Doll
07-14-2005, 08:06 PM
I would keep them apart unless it's play time outside the cage.
This is what I have to do with my pair. I have a male and female. They are in separate cages in the same room. They can't bear to be out of each other's sight ... they play nicely together in neutral territory, for the most part ... but they can't share a cage or they fight.

07-14-2005, 08:09 PM
lol...sounds like my kids...too bad its against the law to cage them up huh?? LOL
No, Im just kidding
I have a few lovies that just have to be alone in their cage, or they are little monsters and are not happy. As long as they have their own space they are fine!
take care,

07-14-2005, 08:26 PM
I wouldn't say that your lovies aren't bonded just because they can't live together. If Lily follows PP around and wants to be with her then she is obviously bonded to her and has a lovie friend. PP sounds like a social butterfly and also seems to get her share of attention. So they have each other, you and whoever else lavishes them with attention. Lovebirds are individuals and they can develop and have various kinds of relationships and still have a happy life.

07-14-2005, 09:48 PM
I have two males that are "bonded". BUT one is aggressive and the other is timid. They didn't get along well at first and I had to separate them. Later they became more accustomed to each other and are fairly bonded now - except they have their own personalities. Your birds have their own personalities and it can take some time for them to bond - if they do. With my males, the first one I got is more bonded with me than the second male. They were never socialized prior to my getting them. Give your birds time. I'm glad you aren't planning to remedy the situation by adding more birds. You could potentially just add to the confusion, instead. Lovebirds take time and patience and more time and more patience. It's all worth it, hang in there!

07-14-2005, 09:59 PM

This really just reminds me of people also. You know, there are some people you can just spend endless amounts of time with, and then there are some people you can only take in small doses. Then again, there are some people that just make you cringe when they come near you. Then on the other hand, we all have moments, and sometimes we just need our alone time ;)

Anyway, all you can do is supervise and hope they get past this squabbling stage. If not, you may just have two fids that can spend small periods of time together. Take this opportunity to spend some one on one time with them also, and you might find a bond of your own with each of them :)

07-14-2005, 10:09 PM
As usual, thanks for all the personal expertise! You guys are better than any textual information I can gather!

Today during out of cage time, they got into another fight. They both took a tumbled to the carpeted ground. When I didn't see them hop up as usual, I went searching to see PP bird biting Lily's leg, preventing her from climbing back up to her cage, and Lily trying to get away.

Of course I had to pick PP up first, and she was being a super baby about it. All being sweet and cuddly towards me, even grinding her beak and purring when I had her in my arms. Besides from being extra sweet suddenly, she seem fine.

Then I checked on Lily, checked for new wounds, and checked her old wounds. Lily of course, is harder to handle, as she hates hands, and either runs away from me, or hides in my hair.

At least today they didn't shed any of MY BLOOD! lol.

I just get super paranoid being a new parront and all!

07-14-2005, 10:23 PM
The two are like a darn soap opera!

One reason why I got PP was because I first did my research and they said they had lots of personality in a "pocket sized bird." Boy they wern't lying!

I've had them for 5 months, almost 6 months now, and they never cease to amaze me! Watching them is entertainment all in itself!

07-15-2005, 03:23 PM
:rofl: :rofl:
just get super paranoid being a new parront and all!


Their squabbles can be quite disconcerting!!! It gets better over time.

Buy A Paper Doll
07-15-2005, 09:08 PM
The two are like a darn soap opera!

I know EXACTLY what you mean. My pair will bicker over anything.