View Full Version : Working from home

01-11-2008, 03:06 AM
Hi Everybody,

I just wanted to share this with people who'd appreciate it..

Two or three days a week I'm lucky enough to be able to work from home..

Today is one of those days :clap

My Lovies Mango & Tango have three babies in the nest, the little guys are between 23 and 19 days old.
Watching them develop and seeing how well M & T are caring for their brood has been a delightful experience - one which is only getting better every day..

Just a few days ago I could start to hear the babies as they were feeding, or perhaps it was when they wanted feeding.. It was just a little squeaking noise barely heard in the background..

That has got a little louder each day...

Today it's a crescendo! You would never believe that so much noise could come from such little cute creatures..
My cat, who's never seen the babies is staring at the cage with absolute disbelief on her face - she is so confused :lol

Mango and Tango are of course totally cool about the whole thing and are going about their business in the normal way :rolleyes:

And no, I'm not getting much work done :blush:

01-11-2008, 04:44 AM
Well, you've certainly earned the title of "most enviable fidma around"!....Not only that, exciting events like these can easily beat the world news any day! Thanks for sharing :). Best wishes for them all.

01-11-2008, 04:49 AM
:) I would have to say that would slow down the work process.

Even better than stopping to smell the roses

Probably reduces the blood pressure.

Everything considered it makes life a lot more interesting.