View Full Version : Showin off?

01-11-2008, 10:05 AM
Every time I walk into Beezles room he starts stretchin' them wings! Almost like he's showin off, it's terribly adorable, I might just have to video tape it once I find my camera >.>

01-11-2008, 02:35 PM
I also introduced nutriberries to Beezle, he has no idea what to do with most of it so I've chopped it up and placed it secretly in his dish... I figure even if he picks out the millet, he's still getting partials of goodness in his beak :)

01-11-2008, 04:37 PM
I don't give Goofy nutriberries too often. Maybe three to five a week. He seems to mainly like the garden veggie ones. I almost decided to stop letting him have them because he only ate the seed parts, but fortunately as time went by he gradually progressed to consuming the whole thing. I always give them whole to help keep him occupied. He does get a bit lazy once in a while :roll:........:)

01-11-2008, 06:07 PM
Boo and sunshine demolish the berry then an hour or so later pick out thier favorite pieces and god forbid i should try to clean up a demolished berry before they have picked at it, talk about raiseing a ruckus!

01-12-2008, 02:45 PM
Does being loud and rackety mean they are pining for attention or are bored?
He/she is usually very quiet when he's/she's playing with his/her toys outside his/her cage making the occasional curious cheep. But if I'm not in the room for a while he/she will make a huge ruckus!

BTW I think Besides trying to get Beezle to trust me, I think he is gaining confidence in himself, which is one of my goals, I think I can see he's/she's really growing even if he still freaks out if I try to touch him :)

01-12-2008, 06:20 PM
I don't think being loud and rackety indicates boredom so much as wanting attention in response to being caged or needing something else. Really, many poeple after spending a year or two will come to understand what their parrots are squawking about and do their best to satisfy this behavior. The occasional peep while playing with her toys sounds like a contact call to make sure your somewhere's nearby. Once you leave the room her little alarm goes off and thats likely why the ruckus begins. Beezle just has to keep an eye on you or else your getting an ear full!

You know, I think you've made a good point about Beezle gaining self confidence in him/herself as being one of your goals. There is a fine line between creating too much dependency on humans that could greatly affect your parrots role in society. A lovebird/parrot that becomes obsessed with human interaction may when we're not around begin to spend more time on insecurities than other more emotionally healthy activities like playing with toys and chewing/ripping everything apart. Therefore a "reasonable" balance is necessary depending on the individual personality of your bird and the amount of time your able to spend with them. Hence, I believe this is most critical when you have a single parrot household.........:)

01-12-2008, 06:41 PM
You know, I think you've made a good point about Beezle gaining self confidence in him/herself as being one of your goals. There is a fine line between creating too much dependency on humans that could greatly affect your parrots role in society. A lovebird/parrot that becomes obsessed with human interaction may when we're not around begin to spend more time on insecurities than other more emotionally healthy activities like playing with toys and chewing/ripping everything apart. Therefore a "reasonable" balance is necessary depending on the individual personality of your bird and the amount of time your able to spend with them. Hence, I believe this is most critical when you have a single parrot household.........:)

Exactly what I worked so hard to achieve with Ditto. He'd be perfectly happy to hang out on my shoulder 24/7 but obviously that can't happen.

So even though we'd both like him to be hanging out with me more often I do leave him in the cage so he can knows how to keep himself occupied too. Now when I'm home I'm in the same room and talk to him often so he doesn't feel left out but he does spend time playing with his toys and stuff.

That makes it even better when it's "Ditto Time". :happy:

It wasn't easy at first because he'd call out and do his cute little "DittoDance" to get me to let him out. Now the only time he does that is if I go to the couch after dinner without him.