View Full Version : Big Bird show

01-12-2008, 03:46 PM
Hi Everybody,

today I went to the big Dutch national bird show, mostly to see if there were any lovies as beautiful as Mango and Tango <there weren't> but also to check out the competition..
There were some amazing birdies there:)

I took a stack of pix with my mobile, they're not all too bad and I thought some of you other bird people out there might like to see them..

They are at
Sorry the video isn't working

Mango & Tango & Family

01-12-2008, 04:04 PM
Wish they had birdshows here!
Thanks for the pics:D

01-12-2008, 04:17 PM
Some very pretty birds there, thanks for sharing Moray! :)

01-12-2008, 04:29 PM
wow..i have never been to a bird show yet..they were beautiful! thanks for sharing...some species i recogonized, but there were many i never saw before.

01-12-2008, 06:51 PM
Beautiful birds! Thanks for sharing the pictures with us. I love pictures!:D

01-12-2008, 06:57 PM
there are no bird shows in north jersey...i read somewhere that they sell cheap things for birds there also....i want to go to the one in staten island....maybe one day...nice pics!

01-16-2008, 03:48 PM
Wow! Your phone takes great pictures!

I wonder, with all these birds so close together, can't the birds spread diseases to one another?

01-16-2008, 04:13 PM
Holly, whether it is a bird "fair" or a bird "show" there is always the risk of air borne diseases spreading when birds are sharing the same air space. I am amazed at the number of people I see walking around bird fairs here with their own pet bird on their shoulder. :rolleyes: I would imagine that it is less likely to find a sick bird at a bird show but I've seen plenty for sale at bird fairs that looked sick to me.

I met one lady that had the cutest little GCC with her and I asked if she'd just bought it and she said "no" that she'd had it for about six months but was standing there talking to the breeder that sold it to her (six months ago) and so I asked if she was afraid that her bird might "catch" something from another bird in that huge building full of birds. She had no idea that was possible! I then said to the breeder, "tell this nice lady that she is risking the health of her own bird by bringing her here!" The breeder did but I can't believe she would not have if I had not brought it up. I think a lot of those bird fair breeders hate me! :D

01-16-2008, 06:30 PM
The photos were neat! I've yet to attend either a bird show or a bird fair. One of these days...

Moray, I am ALWAYS jealous when I see photos from a PHONE that rival that of a digicam! I swear: we are SO behind in camera phones in the US. It seems that Japan and Europe realize the convenience factor ;)

Janie - it amazes me, too! Sometime I wonder if how Beetle never managed to catch anything when I brought him to the one of the local parrot shops to be groomed. Don't get me wrong: I trusted the employees and I knew that the resident parrots were in tip-top shape. And while there were health requirements for boarding your bird, there weren't any for bringing in a bird for grooming. In hindsight I should have stuck to using the vet and in the event that I do get another parrot, I'll likely do that.

01-17-2008, 09:33 AM
Eliza, I've had Oliver clipped at a bird specialty store in the past. A great place that also boards birds (all birds have to have proof if a well bird check up) and thinking back, I realize he could have picked up something airborne but I feel the same way every time we make our annual trip to the vets office. Knowing that some of the birds in the waiting area are there because they are sick. Wish I could get my vet to come to my house! :D I still think that regular vet care is worth the risk of taking my birds into the clinic but always worry a little bit about that.

01-17-2008, 01:04 PM
When Janie & I go to the birdfairs, I've been tempted to print some home-made business cards with the Lovebirds Plus Community website to give to those we talk to about lovebirds. Think the breeders would mind :whistle: You should see the looks we get when we correct them in front of their potential buyers 8o

01-17-2008, 01:21 PM
Wow, so many birdies so little space in the back of my car :whistle: ... Thanks for sharing!! What was that little purple headed one in picture 11?