View Full Version : my bird dont like their play gym

01-13-2008, 09:31 AM
hi....well i got this nice play gym for my birds....very colorful and pretty, but my birds hate it...my cockatiel just wants to sit in my shoulder, and play with the buttons of the laptop...my lovebird when they are out they just hang on top of the others bird cages...and i bought all this materials on home depot to make them a big big play gym the size of a big table....:( ....doesnt anybody has this problem....i tried places the play gym on top of their cages...and nothing....I try putting some treats they just eat it and go away to hang out on top of my other birds cages...:roll: :x

01-13-2008, 09:44 AM
My experiences with playgyms is that it takes time for birds to get used to them. It took months for our lovies to start playing on the first playgym we bought them. Placing food and treats on them is a good way to start as well as toys. Another good idea is to try and put the gym as high as possible and/or by a window. Birds love heights and windows. Moving it around is good, but don't move it often. Give each placement a week or two to see if your birdies warm up to it.

Good Luck :)

01-13-2008, 09:52 AM
I agree with Laura. It takes time. A sprig of millet usually will convince birdies to explore new areas.

I have a gym made out of tinker toys placed directly on top of my birds cage with ladders going between the two cages. My birds love hanging there. It's also where they get their birdie bread, share a sprig of millet, have their popcorn parties and get their veggies. It's a community area to them :)

01-13-2008, 09:54 AM
When I built Ditto's play gym for his birthday 2 years ago it took a week or 2 before he'd go on it. If I tried to put him near it he'd fly back to his cage.

I have it next to my couch and one night while we were watching tv he flew over to investigate and found all the fun toys on there and had a blast.

He still doesn't spend much time there, he'd rather hang out with me but he does go over there and play from time to time.

01-13-2008, 01:18 PM
Ditto does like his gym, but I have to be in the room. If I leave, so does he.

01-13-2008, 03:55 PM
Sometimes it takes time... Maybe you could try putting a bit of their favorite foods or a treat like millet on the gym. Or "play" with the gym yourself: make the swing move, "walk" your fingers up the ladder, etc.

I've only had limited experiences w/ 'tiels (I care for my co-worker's 'tiel from time to time) but they don't seem to play like lovebirds or other parrots. Just give him time :) They all come around eventually.

01-13-2008, 06:19 PM
My experiences with playgyms is that it takes time for birds to get used to them. It took months for our lovies to start playing on the first playgym we bought them. Placing food and treats on them is a good way to start as well as toys. Another good idea is to try and put the gym as high as possible and/or by a window. Birds love heights and windows. Moving it around is good, but don't move it often. Give each placement a week or two to see if your birdies warm up to it.

Good Luck :)

I agree. I have seed and water cups that attach to my play gym and that was the first attraction for my lovies. They still don't really "play" on it much but they do perch and eat there.

01-14-2008, 08:51 AM
thanks i will try to set up the cages near the window with their play gym there....

01-14-2008, 09:05 AM
thanks i will try to set up the cages near the window with their play gym there....

Oh yeah, that's something I forgot to mention..... my birds play gym is right in front of a large picture window. When they are on their gym they have a view of the entire back yard and they like that very much.

01-14-2008, 09:49 AM
I bought my beezle a swing and he didnt touch it till I tied his favorite toy to it :)
Try putting the stuff on the gym that they like :)

01-14-2008, 06:19 PM
they do love their swing....and i have their calcium toy attach to it...they spend lots of time there so a calcium toy would ne healthy....i will wait...and make their super big gym that i am making form them nicer....lol...