View Full Version : HELP: Trouble for Nanday Conure Owners in PA!

01-13-2008, 10:34 AM
All, I'm not sure if i posted this is the right place... but I am posting this to plead for your help in getting this piece of legislation thrown out!

Like with Quakers, PA wants to ban the sell, ownership and release of all Nanday's without a "grandfather" clause... meaning, if this passes... ALL Nandays become illegal in the state and the gaming people can come and confiscate all adored Nandays (as well as those who may be out in the wild) and kill them as pests. All Nandays will be illegal and anyone found to have one will have it removed and euthinized and likely will be fined on top of that.

Here is the information... I urge you, whether you are a Nanday owner or not, whether you live in PA or not, to write a letter to them opposing this riduculous and cruel law as soon as you can. Attend the meeting if you can and live in the area. This law, if passed, will only snowball... giving other states the same idea and first Quakers, then Nandays, what next??

Please take a few minutes and help get this thrown out.

Thank you for your time.



Hearing will be held 1/27/08 - 1/29/08
Pennsylvania Game Commission Headquarters
2001 Elmerton Avenue
Harrisburg, PA 17110-9797
(717) 787-4250

There is a proposal presently pending before the Pennsylvania Game Commission to outlaw the possession of the Nanday conure. If passed, this law will not "grandfather" any Nandays currently kept as pets. The birds will become illegal. They will be subject to confiscation to be destroyed as pests. Quakers already are illegal in Pennsylvania.

A link to the PA Code section that they propose to amend is at the bottom of this alert.

This proposal which is now before the Game Commission seeks to amend PA law to prohibit the "importation, possession, sale, and release" of Nanday conures in Pennsylvania "in response to human health/safety and wildlife habitat health purposes". Monk (Quaker) parakeets are already prohibited. There is no "grandfather" clause in this proposal - that generally means that Nandays already in PA would also become illegal and subject to confiscation and euthanasia as pests if this proposal becomes law.


The Game Commission office will accept public comments at their meeting which starts on Sunday January 27th and carries through to January 28 and 29. A link to the Agenda for that meeting is at the end of this email.

If you oppose the current proposal in Pennsylvania you need to ACT NOW to defeat this proposal.

The Executive Director and staff of the Game Commission "recommend the Commission approve these changes". Given that recommendation, unless voters in PA step up at this meeting to oppose this proposal, it will probably pass. Your "job" is to let your government know what you want. Once a law such as this is enacted it is almost impossible to get it repealed. Now it the time to act.

You (and any other bird folks you can round up) can appear at the Game Commission meeting to present comments in opposition to the proposal - preferably on Sunday the 27th so that you are sure to be given time to speak - but they may delay you to the 28th or 29th, so be prepared for that. Be prepared to submit your comments in writing as well as orally, in case you don't get the chance to speak. Try to keep your written comments to one page.

Keep in mind these officials are just people doing a job. Don't be afraid to appear at the meeting and testify. Address them politely, as human beings, and you should be able to make your points.

Generally people are given a few minutes, maybe 5 max, to make their points. Each speaker should be prepared ahead of time, with a short, focused, businesslike presentation, which they can read aloud. Be sure the presentations focus on the following two points (once you make those points you can let them know you are a human who owns and loves her pet birds, but that shouldn't be the main focus).

The two points the Game Commission will be focusing on are the claims that Nandays threaten human health and safety and wildlife habitat. You need to be prepared to negate both of those claims. Keep in mind, if Nandays can now be claimed to be a threat to human health and safety, any parrot or other bird can be added later. Same for the wildlife habitat health claim. Do your homework and prepare yourself with documentation to counter at least these two claims.

Be sure those who testify for your position are well dressed and act professionally - I can assure you that the proponents of this bill will not be appearing in T shirts. Do not go into "I love my pet and this law isn't fair for my pets......" The Game Commission is not concerned with our love of our pets - they are charged with the responsibility of protecting the wildlife of PA, and unless you can rationally argue that Nandays don't threaten human health and safety or wildlife habitat in PA, this law is likely to pass.

Written supporting documentation from the proponents which shows that Nandays threaten human health and safety or wildlife habitat in PA (if in fact they have any, other than their claims) was not available when I inquired. You can ask for a copy of their documentation at the hearing so that you can be given time to read, evaluate, and respond to it. Ask the Commission to give you a copy or that they mail it to you so that you will have time to address their claims. Ask the Commission not to adopt the proposal at this meeting, or at least to delay any vote to a future meeting to give you and other opponents of the proposal time to read and respond to any of the Commission's materials that support their proposal. Remember, this bill has to be voted on by the Game Commission if it is to become law, and a vote delayed is a vote not taken.

I would expect the "human health and safety" claims to include claims that Nandays transmit psittacosis (chlamydia) and bird flu, and perhaps Exotic Newcastles Disease (END). Be prepared for those claims. Psittacosis, while transmissible to humans from birds, is treatable with antibiotics both for birds and humans, and is not usually life threatening. Parrots have not been shown to transmit bird flu, and the dreaded "worldwide pandemic of bird flu" has not come to pass - in the 10 years or so it has been circulating in Southeast Asia only about 100 people have died - that is not a worldwide pandemic. While parrots, like many other species of birds, can catch END (usually from infected poultry), there is no scientific data published that shows that parrots have been the source of any END outbreak in the United States.

You have a job to do (protecting Nandays in PA) and I assume you can do it. Get others to go with you, and if you present a united front, you may be able to stop this proposal.

For those who can appear and testify - do so.

For those who can't appear, submit written comments before 1/27/08.


Existing Pennsylvania Code this proposal would amend: (monk parakeets already prohibited)
See - Section 58 - Recreation, Part III - Game Commission, Chapter 137

The Agenda for the 1/27 - 1/29 meeting is at this link:

The contact information for the Game Commission is

Let me know if you have any questions.

Genny Wall
AFA Legislative VP

01-13-2008, 11:06 AM
whats wrong with people?....are they on crack or what?...its stupid what they are doing.....one day they will say.....usa doesnt allow cats anymore...i am just waiting for that because what else can they come out with?

01-15-2008, 04:57 PM
Regarding the grandfathering clause (or supposed lack of one): http://secondchancebirds.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4753

Here is another link regarding the proposed ban: http://www.pgc.state.pa.us/pgc/lib/pgc/pdf/january_agenda_2008.pdf

01-15-2008, 05:23 PM
why they always play like that with me...this is the second time :confused: :mad:

01-15-2008, 08:20 PM
why they always play like that with me...this is the second time :confused: :mad:

What do you mean, "...this is the second time..."? 8o

01-15-2008, 08:45 PM
the second time i think there are doing something bad and stupid with animals and its not true....but its better than knowing a true one....let hope that all the rumors are false

01-15-2008, 10:50 PM
Regarding the grandfathering clause (or supposed lack of one): http://secondchancebirds.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4753

Here is another link regarding the proposed ban: http://www.pgc.state.pa.us/pgc/lib/pgc/pdf/january_agenda_2008.pdf

Eliza, I often ponder what really facilitates most of these proposals to begin with. Various funding for actual wildlfe programs or whats actually at hand here. I wonder if nanday conures are really a problem in P.A. or are these are a short fix on the overall importation of exotics in general. Well, too bad a few politicians don't start these proposals under water rather than in the air.......By the way, those PDF files are a pain :roll:. You almost need links to find your way through them 8o.............:)

01-16-2008, 02:35 AM
I, personally, can't see where Nanday Conures are a nuisance in PA. Granted, I don't live there but I don't think Conures are quite as adaptable as Monk Parakeets so I can't see them surviving winters there in the wild unless they were to migrate. I sometimes wonder if legislation isn't thought up based on what the states think they can get away with. You can believe if it happens in one state, others are quite likely to follow suit.

The state I tend to monitor is NJ via The Real Macaw website. In addition to Monk Parakeets being illegal there, did you know that there are 2 other parrots that are illegal as well? Yup....Patagonian Conures and Indian Ringnecks. Why? Because it was allowed to happen??? Beats the heck out of me!

01-16-2008, 05:11 AM
I live in PA and never saw a conure that wasn't in a pet store. Of course I have too many stray cats in my yard that chase and kill the birds...that is a real problem in PA. The stray cats who can and do adapt to the environment not "stray" birds!

Anyway, I wrote my letter yesterday morning.

01-16-2008, 07:35 AM
I urge you, whether you are a Nanday owner or not, whether you live in PA or not, to write a letter to them opposing this riduculous and cruel law as soon as you can. Attend the meeting if you can and live in the area. This law, if passed, will only snowball... giving other states the same idea and first Quakers, then Nandays, what next??
Please take a few minutes and help get this thrown out.

Hearing will be held 1/27/08 - 1/29/08
Pennsylvania Game Commission Headquarters
2001 Elmerton Avenue
Harrisburg, PA 17110-9797
(717) 787-4250

I personally can't see where Nanday Conures are a nuisance in PA. Granted, I don't live there but I don't think Conures are quite as adaptable as Monk Parakeets so I can't see them surviving winters there in the wild unless they were to migrate. I sometimes wonder if legislation isn't thought up based on what the states think they can get away with. You can believe if it happens in one state, others are quite likely to follow suit.

The state I tend to monitor is NJ via The Real Macaw website. In addition to Monk Parakeets being illegal there, did you know that there are 2 other parrots that are illegal as well? Yup....Patagonian Conures and Indian Ringnecks. Why? Because it was allowed to happen???

Exactly! Because it was "allowed" to happen!...I'll be sending my Email opposition out sometime today. We certainly get enough bills passed under our noses where poeple seem to not take notice at all until it affects their own comfortable home life. pgccomments@state.pa.us Thank you Proudparronting for this information.

01-16-2008, 01:39 PM
Where does it stop? Today Nanday Conures, tomorrow parakeets? Many birds turn ferral due to escape and/or irresponsible owners. It's not the bird's fault. How much impact to these birds REALLY have on the native species?

Here in SoCal there are several flocks of parrots. A lot of people don't like them because they roost in their fruit trees and are noisey. I, however, even before I was a bird ownder, enjoyed them. They have a daily routine and it was comforting to know that they would be flying over my house at the same time every day.

I think they should leave the poor Nanday's alone.

01-16-2008, 06:26 PM
The state I tend to monitor is NJ via The Real Macaw website. In addition to Monk Parakeets being illegal there, did you know that there are 2 other parrots that are illegal as well? Yup....Patagonian Conures and Indian Ringnecks. Why? Because it was allowed to happen??? Beats the heck out of me!

It's not just IRNs -- it's the ENTIRE psittacula family (ARNs, Alexandrines, plum-heads, etc.)! Really sad b/c IRNs are one of my favorite parrot species. Guess that I'll have to move out of state if I ever want to share a home with one...

01-21-2008, 08:01 PM
I apologize for the length of this post. I found this on a parrot forum I belong to on LJ and thought that it might be useful re: Nanday ban in PA.

If you can't attend the Pennsylvania Game Commission hearing 1/27 - 1/29, you can call each of the Game Commission members and voice your opposition to the proposal to prohibit the "importation, possession, sale, and release" of Nanday conures in Pennsylvania. PLEASE CALL NOW. Contact information is provided below.

It is easy to make a call to a representative. A staff member will take your message and pass it along to the representative.

When you call, you can say:

"Hello, my name is [your name]
(and if you live in Pennsylvania, add: [ and I am a constituent from [your town]. }

I want to urge [ representative's name ] to do everything possible to make sure that proposal that is on the Game Commission Agenda for the January 27th to 29th meeting to amend 58 Pennsylvania Code Section 137.1 to prohibit the "importation, possession, sale, and release of non-human primates and Nanday conures in Pennsylvania " DOES NOT PASS. I ASK [ legislator's name ] TO VOTE NO ON THE PROPOSAL.

This issue is very important to me. Thank you."

After making your calls, if you haven't already done so, send an email to the Game Commission at pgccomments@state.pa.us to reiterate your opposition to the proposal to amend 58 Pennsylvania Code Section 137.1 to prohibit the importation, possession, sale, and release of non-human primates and Nanday conures in Pennsylvania.

Finally, please be sure to tell your friends and family about this rare opportunity and how they can help, too.

Thank you for all you do to help us fight for our rights to own and keep all of our animals.

Genny Wall
Legislative Vice President
American Federation of Aviculture


2001 Elmerton Avenue

Harrisburg 17110-9797

Phone (717) 787-4250

Fax: (717) 772-0502


Carl Roe
Executive Director

Michael W. Schmit
Deputy Executive Director

2001 Elmerton Avenue
Harrisburg PA 17110-9797
Phone: (717) 787-4250

The Pennsylvania Game Commission Members


Thomas E. Boop, President

President of the Board of Directors

Northeast Regional Office

Box 220, R.D. 5

Dallas, PA 18612-0220

Phone 570-675-1143

FAX 570/675-2394

Roxane S. Palone, Vice President

Southwest Regional Office

4820 Route 711

Bolivar, PA 15923

Phone 724-238-9523

FAX 724-238-5127

Counties: Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Cambria, Fayette, Greene, Indiana, Somerset, Washington and Westmoreland

Gregory J. Isabella, Secretary

Southeast Regional Officeal Office District 8

448 Snyder Road

Reading, PA 19605-9254

Phone 610-926-3136

FAX 610-378-8835

Counties: Berks, Bucks, Chester, Dauphin, Delaware, Lancaster, Lebanon, Lehigh, Montgomery, Northampton, Philadelphia, Schuylkill and York

Russell E. Schleiden

North Central Regional Office District 3

1566 South Route 44 Highway
Jersey Shore 17740-5038

Phone 570-398-4744

FAX 570-398-1632

Counties: Cameron, Centre, Clearfield, Clinton, Elk, Lycoming, McKean, Potter, Tioga and Union

David W. Schreffler

South Central Regional Office District 4

8627 William Penn Highway

Huntingdon, PA 16652-0537

Phone 814-643-1831

FAX 814-643-2952

Counties: Adams, Bedford, Blair, Cumberland, Franklin, Fulton, Huntingdon, Juniata, Mifflin, Perry, Snyder

H. Daniel Hill

Northwest Regional Office I

1509 Pittsburgh Road

Franklin, PA 16323-2011

Phone 814-432-3187

FAX 814-437-5122

Counties: Butler, Clarion, Crawford, Erie, Forest, Jefferson, Lawrence, Mercer, Venango and Warren

John Delaney

Northeast Regional Office 7

PO Box 220

Dallas, PA 18612-0220

Phone 570-675-1143

FAX 570-675-2394

Counties: Bradford, Carbon, Columbia, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Monroe, Montour, Northumberland, Pike, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Wayne and Wyoming

The makers of our Constitution undertook to secure conditions favorable to the pursuit of happiness. They recognized the significance of man's spiritual nature, of his feelings and of his intellect. They knew that only a part of the pain, pleasure and satisfactions of life are to be found in material things. They sought to protect Americans in their beliefs, their thoughts, their emotions and their sensations. They conferred, as against the government, the right to be let alone - the most comprehensive of rights and the right most valued by civilized men. To protect that right, every unjustifiable intrusion by the government upon the privacy of the individual, whatever the means employed, must be deemed a violation of the Fourth Amendment. And the use, as evidence in a criminal proceeding, of facts ascertained by such intrusion must be deemed a violation of the Fifth.
--Justice Louis Brandeis OLMSTEAD v. U.S., 277 U.S. 438 ( 1928 )

02-06-2008, 03:09 PM
I just wanted to follow up with some good news. Because of the tons of opposers who showed up at the meeting as well as called, wrote, emailed and fax their concerns... the proposal was rejected, so there will not be a ban on Nandays in PA. We do need to keep a vigilant eye out for these things in other states, however. MO is currently contemplating banning ownership of all wild animals... which sounds good on the surface, however... parrots are also considered wild animals.

These efforts are being pushed heavily by PETA and the HSUS. Their goal is to make it so there are NO animals allowed to be kept as pets in the US. Ridiculous? Absolutely... but the scary thing is that both of these organizations have a huge budget and many of their supporters have no idea about their ultimate coal of making owning a pet of any kind illegal. Personally, I've already started researching all of this and cannot just sit idly by and watch them take my rights away to have pets. You have to ask yourself, is the US truly a free country? Perhaps for now... but I call it "conditional freedom" and I don't like it at all.

02-09-2008, 04:37 AM
I've only found this thread today, but am very happy that the proposal was thrown out. I just can't believe that last post though: the banning of ALL pets? What? How can they even think of doing that? I mean: look at how many millions of dogs, cats, fish, birds and other animals there are that live as pets. What will they do with them, kill them all? What about the proven therapeutic benefits of having pets (for children and adults)? Please if there"s something I can do (even out ouf South Africa) please let me know, this is absolutely disgusting! >: