View Full Version : Funny story..

akira-shakira-the bruce
01-13-2008, 10:04 PM
I'm not sure if this is the best place to post a silly story, but if it should be somewhere else, please move it ^_^

So, earlier tonight, my roommate had my peachie, Akira, downstairs. He asked me to call for her, which I did, and naturally she started screeching and looking for me.
well, he put her on the stairwell, and she began to search for a way up. I was at the top of the stairs, and my roommate took pity on her and lifted her for a few stairs. I then crinkled a plastic bag; her millet is in a plastic bag, and she has come to know the sound.
Somehow, she was no longer unable to climb, and she started scaling those stairs so fast. It was so funny!
I had to give her a little millet bit just because of her determination! Just thought it was kind of cute ^_^

01-14-2008, 05:16 AM
Its too bad some lovies won't act that way when it comes to wanting their vegetables too :rofl:!

01-14-2008, 08:31 AM
Cute story! :D

One of my three, Oliver, is fully flighted and can find me anywhere in the house. Sometimes my hubby brings him out of the bird room into the kitchen in the early a.m. before I'm ready to start our "velcro" day and I've tried hiding in the living room, even closing doors to block his normal route but he can still find his way in there. If I'm upstairs in the computer room and whistle for him, he flies up the stairs in a heart beat. :D

akira-shakira-the bruce
01-14-2008, 10:54 AM
Wow. Yeah, When I roll over in the morning, Akira knows. if I even BREATHE different, she knows. She's psychic, I believe.

And yeah, she hardly eats her veggies. Only spinach. Heh.