View Full Version : Moody lovie

01-14-2008, 09:24 PM
My nearly 14 year old peach-faced lovie, Squeaky, has been quite moody. He lost his lifelong mate on November 28, 2007. Then we moved on December 8, 2007. We work all day so I leave the radio on for him. I got him some new toys - he loves his swing! My husband and I take him out when we can. We try to have him out nearly every day. Squeaky has been pretty moody though. Sometimes he'll hop on my finger and stay on my shoulder for a while. Other times he runs away (backwards actually it is very funny:rofl: ) He has been giving us some sharp bites lately which he didn't used to do. I was trying to get his treat dish out this morning and gave up after being chased! The vet suggested some foraging toys - or even making one out of a drinking fountain cone with a nutriberry inside. This did pique his curiousity and got him playing a bit. Any recommendations for forgaging toys for lovebirds?

I am not sure I want to get him a friend. I would definitely want a male lovebird. And since Squeaky is getting on in years, I would feel sad to have a young bird bond to him and then lose his friend. I also know that they may never be cage mates and may have to live separately.

I just want my Squeaky to be happy and content for the rest of his days or (hopefully) years with us!

Any advice, experience and/or references are much appreciated. Thanks!