View Full Version : Does anybody know...

01-15-2008, 12:45 PM
Hi Everybody,

Since I joined this site, only a few weeks ago, I must have looked at a thousand pix of Lovies.. I've loved every one of them :D

But I have noticed that you guys across the pond in the US or Canada have a distinctly better class of toys for your fids..

Since Lovies took over my life I've visited just about every pet store in a 100 mile radius of my house in Holland and the range of toys is, well I'll be kind and say "Limited"..

My three babies will be out of the nest in a few weeks and looking to pass the time, I'll be trying to put as much fun into their lives as they put into mine :rofl:

Are there any members from Europe who can point me to a good supplier of quality birdie toys?
An online source would be fine, just so long as it's not despatched from the US..

I realise that most people reading this are US based, and I guess you all just lost interest.. Sorry about that - here's the latest pix of my gorgeous babies to make up for it :D


Wait till you see their little orange heads !!!

Greetings from Mango & Tango

01-15-2008, 01:33 PM
Thanks Heather - that's great, I should certainly find something suitable out of all those links

Thanks from the Lovies too (:

01-15-2008, 04:53 PM
Bird Paradise in Burlington, NJ (USA) ships overseas, if I am not mistaken. Check out their on-line store at www.mybirdstore.com.

01-15-2008, 05:48 PM
love the baby pics! it's also fun to make your own toys! one of my lovies favorites is a empty tiolet paper roll (cut down the side so she won't get stuck in it). you can also put a treat in the middle then stuff paper in the ends.