View Full Version : I miss my babies!!!!

01-19-2008, 01:14 PM
:very_sad: Hey everyone! I know I haven't posted in a while and here's why:

I got a bursary to go to Germany for 6 weeks to study a bit and also work on intercultural relations with young people from the UN. We're from South Africa and intercontinental discussions are part of the whole package. It's all expenses paid and I've been here from 1 January. I'm only halfway through by now and I'm going crazy, I miss my babies SO MUCH!!!:very_sad:

Yesterday there fell a pinfeather from Bekkie out of my suitcase and it nearly had me in tears:( , I miss my 2 warm little featherballs, even the biting. No one understands how I feel, the say I'm being silly, it's only 2 birds. :mad:

I know they're in good hands but the facts that I'm jealous doesn't make it any better. My parents and new boyfriend are looking after them and I know they're OK but, yeah, well...

Bekkie has never liked Dolf (my new boyfriend) and would fly straight across the room just to bite him! :lol He, himself has always been partial to Luna because Luna loves scritches and doesn't bite.

But now I hear that Bekkie is crazy about Dolf and would whistle and spread her wings for him even when he just walks past her cage. :cry: I'm scared that she won't even remember me when I get back and that she'll still only want to be with him...? :roll:
Lol, Luna on the other hand, is biting Dolf like there's no tomorrow, Dolf is scared to get him out of the cage :lol I have to admit that it does make me feel a little bit better :whistle: but not enough. If I could, i would get back on the plane RIGHT NOW!!!!! And never let them out of my sight again!!! >o

OK, I can't say that it helped make me feel better, but that's OK, at least I could talk to people who'd have an idea how I feel...

Thanks guys, would love to hear from you!

PS I miss them more than my boyfriend but he doens't have to know that, right? ;)

01-19-2008, 02:28 PM
We won't tell him you said that, Gene! ;)

Sounds like a great experience for you and much as you miss your little feather butts, it does help when they are left with loved ones who you know will take good care of them....OR ELSE! :D I am sure they won't forget you and will shower you with kisses, poop and a few bites when you return to them! No poop or bites from your bf, I hope! :lol

01-19-2008, 04:08 PM
When my girlfriend leaves for a week on bussiness every other day she has a streaming video conferance with me in which i say mabey 3 words before i HAVE TO put the babies infront of the camera so she can talk to them etc for as much as 20 minutes sometimes!
I tell ya those little buggers have a way of stealing ones heart!
I am just glad i dont fall in love with women as much as i do lovebirds or i would have over 40 kids by now lol

01-19-2008, 05:08 PM
PS I miss them more than my boyfriend but he doens't have to know that, right? ;)

Well, lets see here....:roll:......We could use a few fresh pics of the beebs when you return home and some wallet sized to go with them. Followed by a couple "Free" lessons in intercultural relations. Then, maybe we won't mention anything about "he doesn't have to know".......Right?.....Oh, and yes, we accept visa and master card too..........:D

Thanks for the news Gene! Sounds like a wonderful experience. Wishing you the best of luck and a very safe return :)

01-19-2008, 11:20 PM
The rest of the time will fly by and you will be home with those feathered babies and the human family.
It is hard to go on a short trip without worrying about our fids.
Your babies will remember you.

02-08-2008, 03:23 PM
I'm back!!! :happy: :rotfl :rofl: :clap :happy: :rotfl

I'm so happy to be home!
And after ignoring me for half an hour and then nearly taking my finger off, Bekkie and Luna are back with me! (Lol and ignoring Dolf as if he didn't exist (heehee...:whistle: )) So I just wanted to say that my babies are fine and they seemed to have missed me a bit, so I'm really happy to be home right now! I've waited more thatn 5 weeks to feel my little feather butts in my nck again (and in Bekkies case: giving me a hard 'nibble' or 2 just when mommy's least expecting it! :rolleyes: ) But I wouldn't trade them for anything! My parents and boyfriend say they can see I've missed my babies more than them, they can't understand it :nyah:

Just wanted to update you guys, thanks for all your support!

:rofl: :happy: :rotfl :lol ;) :clap :happy: :rofl:

02-08-2008, 05:52 PM
After FIVE WEEKS i'm sure most of us would likely think a bite or two feels pretty good!...Good to hear you've had a safe return followed by a feathery butt welcome.............:)