View Full Version : need help w/ taming my 4.5 month old lovebird

01-20-2008, 01:02 PM
I've never owned a bird before, and now here I am with a 4.5 month old untamed lovebird. I've started off just by spending a lot of time next to his cage, blinking at him and stuff (he blinks back) he's still keeping some distance (i've only had him for 4 days its not like im expecting him to adore me yet). He chirps a lot both when i've left the room and sometimes when im watching tv or reading a book. I'm not sure how to react (is chirpping good or bad?). Whats the best reaction to his chirpping that will promote some bonding?

01-20-2008, 03:16 PM
Hi! I've tamed two lovebirds, so maybe I can help. You said you were doing the blinking thing. Do you mean you're closely your eyes for a second or two, then opening them? If so, that's a good starting point. I would 'chirp' back when he chirps at you. I did this by making a fast 'kiss' noise. Act excited to see him. When he bobs his head down and then stands up tall, do that with your neck too. Talk to him a lot, sitting next to his cage. Are you feeding seeds or pellets? If it's seeds and it has sunflower seeds, pick those out. The only way he's going to get those now is if he takes them from your fingers. Take it slow and start offering them through the cage bars. Are your bird's wings clipped? If not, go ahead and get them done, usually the 4 outside feathers on each wing. When you're ready for him to start coming out of the cage, tie open one of the doors and have two extra perches (like the ones in his cage) ready. Eventually, he should feel comfortable enough to come out. Make sure that there's nothing he can get under or behind before opening the doors. If he flutters to the ground, approach slowly with the perches. When he's still, gently push one against his belly. After a little coaxing, he should step onto it. At first, you may need to give him no other option by blocking his way with the perches. When he steps up, praise a little, then ask him to step onto the other. Do this a couple of times at most, then take him (very slowly) back to hang out on his cage. After a while, he'll get it and you can substitute a finger. Hands probably mean being grabbed to him right now, so it'll take him a while to get over his fear. Keep offering sunflower seeds and having him step onto the perches. Take it as slowly as he wants to go. Some here may have different experiences, but this is what has worked for me in the past. Good luck!


01-20-2008, 08:39 PM
all that advice helps a lot!:clap
i guess I've sort of started doing some of those things! (chirping back etc). I'll make sure to sort out the sunflower seeds, I've noticed that they have been the first things he has gone for. I realize every bird's different, but how long do you guess it will be until he starts exploring the outside of his cage (not that i'm in any hurry) thank you for all your help :)

01-21-2008, 08:18 AM

Taming a lovebird is something that requires patience and consistency. There are a bunch of posts about this subject and my suggestion is to do a search and you will find some great info. Here's a post from a day or two ago you can start with http://www.lovebirdsplus.com/community/showthread.php?t=10942

As in the other post, I suggest you do a forum search on member Tango's Mom. She spent a great deal of time building a relationship with her lovie and I think she did a great job giving updates on Tango's progress.

Good Luck and don't hesitate to ask questions if something specific comes up:D

01-21-2008, 08:49 AM
Tango's mom.....great idea, Laura! :) She (Jenna) really did spend a lot of time and was so patient with Tango and it paid off! :D