View Full Version : How far can my lovie see?

01-20-2008, 08:50 PM
I've been reading this forum for about 6 wks - that's how long I've had my lovie - its about 5 mos old and doing very well with training (thanks to this great forum and all the wonderful advice!):clap

But one question I haven't been able to get an answer for is - how far can my lovie see? I have a large open floor plan downstairs with a greatroom ceiling of 19 ft, and an open staircase and a loft, where I spend a large portion of my day in my art studio. I want to take him up there with me for a little while every day because I can hear him in his cage downstairs calling for me from time to time. I'm even thinking about getting another cage or a perch or something to put up there with me.

When I have him out of his cage downstairs, he flies off every now and then and runs into things, but he seems to take this fairly well. >o His wings are clipped but are growing back and he's getting better and better at flying every day. The crash landings actually seem to help with the taming because right after one of these episodes he'll jump on my hand when I reach down on the floor for him. :x I used to worry that he'd get hurt but he seems to be a tough little guy (or girl, I'm not sure what it is.) I was taking him in a small bathroom for several weeks and working with him there, but now he'll step up on a stick or my hand with only a minor amount of urging on my part.:D

Thoughts and suggestions are greatly appreciated!

01-20-2008, 09:19 PM
I don't know that I have a good answer for you as to how well they can see. Their eyes are not as good as those of a predator bird and they don't need that kind of sight, as they are not hunters of that kind. I know all of my parrots can at least see me from across my living room/dining room (a distance of roughly 35') so I can't say they are nearsighted, either. :)

I think part of the problem that your lovebird is having has to do with learning how to fly better. He doesn't judge his distance/speed with upcoming objects so he doesn't react quickly enough. Clipped flight feathers make him more clumsy but the clipping is for his own safety/protection.

As he practices, he will get better at what he's trying to do and where he's trying to go. I also think that taking him with you upstairs is a wonderful idea. Lovebirds are very social and want companionship!

01-20-2008, 09:32 PM
As always, Linda has wonderful advice :)
Just wondering... you said your staircase is open and you're in a loft?
If your bird crash lands as hard as you say, does he not have enough feathers left to glide safely down if he should start the descent from the top of the loft?
That would be my concern :2cents:

01-21-2008, 06:56 AM
Thanks so much for your quick response! I was thinking he couldn't see me across the room - my sofa is about 30 feet from his cage and sometimes he calls (vigorously) for me while he's sitting on top of it, and I just sit there and wave and call back wondering when and if he'll ever just fly right over to me. I usually just end up going over there and talking to him or putting him on my shoulder. We're still in the building trust stage so he's not at all what I would call a velco birdie yet.

He's made several attempts at flying across the room but always ends up crash landing - it scares me to death when he does that. He's flying pretty good though so I think his feathers are grown out enough now that he can land alright from upstairs (about 15 ft. up). I got him in early Dec. and his wings were clipped then, and I understand they grow back completely at about 6 mos.

Well, he just woke up and is calling for me:rotfl

Thanks again!

01-21-2008, 08:40 AM
That is a very curious question and I've often wondered the same thing. What I do know about my flock is that they "hear" very well. My hubby let the three out of the bird room and into the kitchen yesterday morning before I got up. Oliver heard me cough and found me......he few through two rooms, one hallway, up a flight of stairs, through another hallway and into my bedroom! Just one little cough and he knew it was me! :D

01-23-2008, 06:59 PM
Hello, I am not sure how far they can see It is at least 15 feet, I do know that they can hear very well and he might hear you up there. My lovie saw me walk out of my room and heard me outside and he hopped off his cage and headed down the stairs towards me.