View Full Version : Slow and steady wins the race...

01-24-2008, 10:02 PM
In the last couple weeks we've hit some major milestones with our two lovies here. Sonnet, or Baby, or "MYbird!" as my daughter now calls her, has gone from just letting me get her to step up, to letting me touch her while I held her (but only if it was just one finger!:rotfl ), to letting me give her scritches through the cage bars without chomping my finger, to now taking seeds/treats from my fingertips!:happy:


The notoriously hands-off! Friday (riding around on people's heads is one thing, hands is quite another!), is getting curiouser and curiouser as he watches all these goings on. I might even say he's getting a bit jealous :D Although he's still a hands-off! birdie, he has started holding his ground when I try to feed him a treat through the bars. Before that sort of thing was immediate grounds for the fastest flight to the furthest point possible away from me, and of course, the oh-so-loverly Shrill-Warning-Shrieks-of-Imminent-Doom.

One of these days he might actually decide I'm not going to eat him after all ;).

01-25-2008, 08:35 AM

I've always thought one birdies actions can be a positive influence on another birdie. I guess that's true with people as well, but once one of my birds sees me doing something with another, it's not long that they all want that same kind of attention:)

Glad to hear all is going well, and I bet Mr. Friday will be begging for some of that hand action before long;)

01-25-2008, 08:48 AM
Birdie see, birdie do! :D I agree with Lori, when one sees the other doing something, they often want to try it, too! :D

One of the things I enjoy most about my lovebirds is that they continue to surprise me with new things! :)

01-25-2008, 02:34 PM
That is exciting! I have begun to realize that small steps get us farther. When I try to take large steps it always seems take me back to where I started. I know this is probably a given, but it took me time to learn this! Congrats on your progress! Heres hoping that one day Friday flies toward your hand and perches!!

01-25-2008, 10:23 PM
That's great news. Glad to hear that progress is being made. I like the name MYbird.:whistle:

01-26-2008, 10:20 AM
good job...patience really does pay off!