View Full Version : New friend for Squeaky?

01-25-2008, 09:11 PM
I have been seriously considering getting another bird.

I think Squeaky would like the company too - someone at least to "talk" to and see (perhaps with supervised play times together and if they really get along - a new cage mate.) I have been keeping an eye out for an older male lovebird - nothing. I have seen some younger ones. Check out this one:


I am wondering if it is true that he is a male as she states. I don't have expertise in lovebird genetics but know that many of you do! Please help!:D

Another possibility - I have fallen in love with parrotlets too. I would love a blue male pacific parrotlet like this:


I don't think this bird could share a cage with my Squeaky. I've always wanted one though.

Any thoughts, advice?


01-26-2008, 07:59 PM
For me when i had chosen to get a friend and or mate for baby boo my hen i went into it knowing that if they didnt get along i would have o care and have time for both birds.
My advice is make sure to get a male as a partner and decide if you have the room and time for two lovebirds.
Also when squeaky gets a partner dont be suprised if they do get along that squeaky my get more wild and protective of his or her new friend.

02-09-2008, 09:03 PM
I am still seriously thinking about this - many of you may have seen my post about the white lovebird. It seems possible that bird is a female due to a sex linked genetic colour mutation. Such a cutie but I really don't want to go through the hen aggressiveness with Squeaky and egg laying etc.etc.. I can get her DNA'd for $30 - the breeder will do this.

I have another birdie possibility too now. A closer breeder has what she calls a pied creamino. She said the bird is pale butter yellow with some turquoise colouring too. Is there such thing as a pied creamino? The parents are both creaminos.

She thinks it is a male due to no mating behaviours with other males in his cage. This bird was hatched at the end of June/early July. I am considering going to see the bird this coming Monday (before our next big snow storm on Tuesday!)

This breeder suggested I bring Squeaky along to see the other bird. To put them in cage together there and see what happens. I don't want to do this. I am not an expert but I think this could be a risk to Squeaky's health. I haven't see the conditions in this aviary in person. Just a few pictures on a website of birds in a group.

I am not sure Squeaky really wants a friend! He seems to be doing pretty well. Part of me just wants to bond with him even more and really enjoy his company now.

I guess if I am not sure, I shouldn't do anything yet. I know what a commitment a bird is and I want to make sure I have the time to look after both birds the way they deserve to be.

I welcome everyone's experience and advice on this. Thanks!

02-09-2008, 10:59 PM
I think getting Squeaky a friend is okay as long as you know there is no guarantee they will get along or be able to live together. If you keep an eye out, you will find an older bird. If Squeaky is doing well and you guys are bonding then there really isn't any hurry. Are there any rescues or humane societies where you live?

I would not take Squeaky to meet any bird. You must adhere to quarantine and you don't want Squeaky catching anything that will make him sick. Not only that, but Sqeaky will be nervous leaving and won't be socializing.

Yes. I believe there are pied creaminos. It's hard to distinguish them from regular creaminos because of their light feathers. You may be able to tell the bird is a creamino as their brow colors are jagged around the edges.

Good Luck with your decision:)

02-10-2008, 10:21 AM
the biggest issue christine, like laura said - is you could get another lovie, and squeaky could fall in love or could absolutely want nothing to do with it. in that case, you are left with finding the time to spend with each bird individually, two cages, and such. i know it is a difficult decision and one i wrestle with every so often.

kiwi is my single lovebird, but i am able to give him time, attention and love, and for now, he is happy and healthy and content. i trust that i will know when what i am giving kiwi is no longer enough. until then, each time i look at pet shops or breeders, of course i fall in love with one, or more birds.

just take your time, enjoy squeaky, and give this decision some thought. good luck. :)

02-10-2008, 06:33 PM
kiwi is my single lovebird, but i am able to give him time, attention and love, and for now, he is happy and healthy and content. i trust that i will know when what i am giving kiwi is no longer enough. until then, each time i look at pet shops or breeders, of course i fall in love with one, or more birds.

Thanks - this is exactly how I feel about Squeaky right now. It does not feel like the right time to add another bird to our family right now. :(

The good news - the breeder where I found the little white baby will probably breed that pair again in about 8 months! So I trust that when/if the time is right, I will know and get another lovie(s)

Thanks everyone. Now, the challenge is to stop looking at birds for sale!!!:lol

02-10-2008, 06:47 PM
That's a very admirable and responsible decision! And yes, it is quite hard to stop looking for birdies to adopt :lol

02-11-2008, 07:52 AM
Thanks Dani. I was already looking at lovies for sale this morning! :whistle: I guess you understand - you have quite a flock already! They are beautiful. (I've wanted parrotlets for a while now!)

Actually, Squeaky may end up getting a friend anyway. My Grandmother has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's and is moving in with my Aunt who is going to take care of her. The combined household will have 1 small dog, 2 cats and a lovebird - Tune.

Tune is my Squeaky's son. He is in great health and just about 1.5 years younger than Squeaky. I have told my family that if my Grandmother and Aunt can't manage the bird, that we will happily take him. Plus, I am very worried about those cats! I would feel horrible if Tune gets hurt or killed by them. I have expressed my concerns to my Dad. (The dog currently lives with the bird and has never been a problem, in fact Tune teases her, from the safety of his cage!)

So, I think it is for the best that I am not adopting another bird right now. I may still end up with one. :)

02-11-2008, 09:03 AM
you know christine - i believe that things have a way of working out for a reason. perhaps you were meant to take in tune, and that's why getting the white beauty right now just didn't feel right.

i've decided the key for me is to stop looking at other birdies >o ;) ( says me who went into a pet store yesterday and spent 1/2 hour cuddling a B&G 4 month old.) thank god he had already been sold, cause i had fallen in love. so.....i will now enter pet store with my eyes closed, buy what i need for my pets, and leave. that could work, couldn't it??????? :confused: :( :omg: :rofl: :rofl:

02-11-2008, 11:01 AM
i've decided the key for me is to stop looking at other birdies >o ;) ( says me who went into a pet store yesterday and spent 1/2 hour cuddling a B&G 4 month old.) thank god he had already been sold, cause i had fallen in love. so.....i will now enter pet store with my eyes closed, buy what i need for my pets, and leave. that could work, couldn't it??????? :confused: :( :omg: :rofl: :rofl:

Good luck! It is so hard to stop!!! :( :wink: