View Full Version : Pile of Feathers

01-28-2008, 11:06 AM
Today there is a small pile of feathers in the corner of my female lovies cage. She has been very hormonal these days, and I suspect it is the begining of a nest. She is 1 year old and has a male companion that is 6 months old, they live in different cages with 4 or more hours a day out together.
Is she trying to make a nest?
I have been moving their things around, is there any other ways to discourage her???
I really don't want to start a plucking problem!
Thank's in advance for any advice.:)

01-28-2008, 11:58 AM
You can try to discourage her, but it may be to no avail. A few things you can try is reducing her daylight hours, rearranging her cage, move the entire cage location, and limit her food,you don't want her to go hungry, just feel like there isn't an excess amount for her to feed chicks if she had any.

What you are ultimately trying to do is make her feel just uncomfortable enough that she isn't comfortable laying eggs. These things work sometimes, and for a limited amount of time, but you will want to be prepared if she does lay eggs. With a hen, it's just something you have to be prepared for, so if you haven't already gotten a nest box, and nesting material, you will want to do so. Some hens have an agenda, and nothing you do can put them off:rolleyes:

01-29-2008, 12:50 AM
Boy- did I ever find that out in a BIG way!!!
I have a boy lovie (ok,ok-she's a girl :roll: ) who is on her 7th egg, just turned 1, and this is a first clutch.

01-29-2008, 10:36 AM
Thanks for the advice Lori I moved everything around again, it is hard for me to limit the food as they spend most of the day out and limiting her food would mean limiting his food and I just got his weight up to where I want it, 50 grams, as he lost weight when I brought him home.
I guess I'll be getting a nesting box this weekend, she is very strong willed and may get her way in the end.
Orangefaced/ WF Blue Edged Dilute Violet factor babies wonder what they will look like? :omg: