View Full Version : Trouble in M&M land

Buy A Paper Doll
01-29-2008, 06:31 PM
Melody lunges at Milo, particularly when time I go near their cage. It's gotten to the point where Milo has started plucking his bib again. And she screams ALL THE TIME to get out of the cage. I try not to let her out when she's being obnoxious because I don't want to reinforce the bad behavior. When I do let her out, she runs straight to me and climbs in my shirt. That would be fine except I usually get bitten when she's in my shirt. I have a good one from last night where she popped her little head out of the neck of my Tshirt and latched on to my neck.

Milo's started lunging at my face and biting me as well. With Melly, hormones are usually to blame. Milo, though ... he's supposed to be my sweet baby. :( Any suggestions?

01-29-2008, 06:55 PM
I have heard of parrots biting the person or mate they have chosen in the pressence of another, as if to make them have a bad association with their "competiton" so to speak. Kind of "your mine stay away from them".
And as for his lunging, it may be a case of birdy see birdy do, or just his duty as a "good" mate.

01-29-2008, 09:13 PM
Boy Jennifer, sounds like your really in the middle of things :(. Actually, it sounds like poor Milo is too :(. Thats :( :( and a :evil:! I can only imagine how your feeling trying to juggle this around for the better. Do you think keeping them in separate cages out of sight and sound of each other might help? You know, I have no experience with a "pair" of lovies but have heard of this sort of thing happening. Minus the individual nervous plucking mind you. Poor Milo. I hope you find a solution soon so this doesn't become common place. If I may add with plenty of reservations though, I actually thought to suggest misting Melody before letting her out. Not as punishment you know, but as a mood calmer. Only if she doesn't mind of course! Well, hopefully you can find something better as maybe thats not such a great idea >o. Please let us know if you come up with something...............:)

Buy A Paper Doll
01-30-2008, 07:22 PM
Funny you should mention misting, Michael. Last week I came home from work to find Melody soaking wet in the cage. Milo was sitting next to her, perfectly dry. Apparently hubby couldn't take the screaming any more and tried squirting her with water: no luck, she screamed even more. (That's my girl. :rolleyes: )

I'm coming close to separating them again, although I honestly cannot tolerate the "out of sight and sound" thing because they BOTH scream bloody murder until they are together again. Seems like at least once a year they go through a phase like this, where they can't live with or without each other. But if Milo's bald patch gets any bigger then they will end up getting a temporary separation in the form of side by side cages, at least during the day.

01-31-2008, 08:50 PM
Seems like at least once a year they go through a phase like this, where they can't live with or without each other.

Maybe you should have named them Sid and Nancy.... ;)

01-31-2008, 09:25 PM
i'm so sorry to hear about melody. there was a phase peaches went through where she wanted to go down my shirt too...then when getting there nip me like crazy! i really think it was a "hormonal thing" like being in a nest and protecting it..since it's so dark and cuddly down there! and when i tried to get her out she'd bite me. i just will not allow her down there anymore....but once in awhile she'll try, especially if there's a gap at my neckline and she sees it:blush:

hope milo's plucking doesn't get more severe. probably better to separate them now till this passes?