View Full Version : territorial question

01-30-2008, 08:24 PM
Hi everyone-

anyone's lovie been territorial over certain humans? My lovie, Baby, seemed very territorial the other day when my adult daughter Melissa came to visit. She first innundated Melissa with a "fly-by-pooping"; then hovered in her face and screeched at her; and even bit her when Melissa was trying to give her a nutriberry. Baby's a year old now, but thank goodness she has'nt exhibited any nesting behaivors (paper shredding/tucking) just wondering if anyone else has encountered this and what did you do? By the way, Baby does have an appt. @ Dr. Speer's office on monday for a clip.

On a more positive note, most of the time when I say "Ba-by" to her she responds by saying "bee-bee". Wondering if she's trying to mimic what I'm saying?

Thanks in advance for any feedback you may have-

Buy A Paper Doll
01-30-2008, 09:03 PM
Ask Dave about lovebirds that decide they like one human over another. :whistle:

01-31-2008, 05:22 PM
Ask Dave about lovebirds that decide they like one human over another. :whistle:

Ditto loves everybody (well everybody -1 :rofl: ).

Seriously Ditto want's to be everybody's friend unless they try and touch me. Then they must die!

02-01-2008, 06:51 AM
Donna, two of mine are not friendly to anyone but my husband or me but they don't go after anyone, they hide or fly to the highest perch in their bird room when a stranger (that would be anyone but hubby or me!) comes in. Oliver is a family friendly bird and is OK with strangers but would not fly to one. He will fly to all family members.

It sounds to me like Baby is trying to mimic you! :D It's rare for lovies to talk but if it happens, it's usually a hen. :) Big Boi and Shy both say one thing, their word for "swing!" If I swing them and say it, they always say it right back to me and it really sounds like the word "swing." Oliver says nothing, just chirps! :lol

02-01-2008, 08:35 AM
Donna, two of mine are not friendly to anyone but my husband or me but they don't go after anyone, they hide or fly to the highest perch in their bird room when a stranger (that would be anyone but hubby or me!) comes in. Oliver is a family friendly bird and is OK with strangers but would not fly to one. He will fly to all family members.

Ditto will fly to anyone who comes in the house. He wouldn't be a very good guard bird. :rofl:

02-01-2008, 12:07 PM
My birds (6) are not very people friendly. If anyone comes to visit, Piper hides in his cozy as do both babies. Daisy screams his alert call which triggers everybirdy else to do the same for about an hour :rolleyes: . Molly just sits on his perch and watches everyone. Olivia will come out of her cage most of the time, but don't touch her. She loves my brother and will fly to him, run up his arm to the back of his neck and bite him. Don't know why, but she does this everytime he visits. :rolleyes: