View Full Version : Bad Wing Clip

02-05-2008, 08:32 PM
I am getting a little worried about Ellie's right-sided wing clip. It doesn't seem as "rounded" as the other side - it's like she has one big square wing - is this normal? I am thinking it is because quite a few feathers were clipped, as she still has quite a bit of flight... there are also white dots at the ends of the feathers - is this where the feathers will try and regrow? I wish I could take a picture, but she is already fast asleep in her happy hut... and it's only 6:30! :roll:

02-06-2008, 04:48 AM
It's impossible to say by the description you gave us. We will need pictures. As mentioned before, you can always get her wing clip ajusted to match the other wing if necessary. I would not do this unless there is a MAJOR difference such as diffrent amount of feathers clipped on each wing or at the lenght of the feather is obvisouly not even on each side. d not touch it if it's minor.