View Full Version : Sounds like a Helicopter

02-06-2008, 09:20 AM
When I got Luna she was already clipped, I don't know when she was clipped, I just know that she was. As far as I know she was around 2 mths old when I got her.

Anyhoo, she is 6mths old now and I guess she just finished her first molt. Her wings are starting to grow in and yesterday I witness her getting some (a very little bit of) lift when she flew from her cage to me, usually she goes down slowly, but this time she went up and then down :D. The thing is that she sounds like a helicopter. Is that normal? I really think she could fly if she wanted to, but her wings aren't strong enough.

02-06-2008, 07:50 PM
Believe it or not, lovies have different flight sounds. I've found this to especially be true with clipped lovies. I would think since Luna is trying to fly she was giving it her all, which made her sound like a helicopter. I have a few that make that sound so I'm familiar with it:) .

02-06-2008, 10:53 PM
Both my lovies sound different when they fly and also if they try to hover or fly staight i can tell whos flapping about by the noise each one makes lol.

02-06-2008, 11:15 PM
Whenever Goofy navigates around the house he makes various flight sounds depending on where he's off to. Shorter the distance, the more he makes that "helicopter" sound :). The longer the distance, the easier it is to sneak up on me :omg:. I absolutely love when he's heading off to where he's not supposed to go (upstairs) and I'll say "NO! NO! get back here!", and he'll slow to a hover, turn around and fly right back. Then I get a well deserved ear full :wink:!

02-07-2008, 08:35 AM
Whenever Goofy navigates around the house he makes various flight sounds depending on where he's off to. Shorter the distance, the more he makes that "helicopter" sound :). The longer the distance, the easier it is to sneak up on me :omg:. I absolutely love when he's heading off to where he's not supposed to go (upstairs) and I'll say "NO! NO! get back here!", and he'll slow to a hover, turn around and fly right back. Then I get a well deserved ear full :wink:!

LOL! That is a cute visual! You should get video footage of that :D.

02-07-2008, 12:26 PM
we always know kiwi is coming, cause he chirps louder than ever, from the time he takes flight till he lands. i can't hear what his wings sound like over the chirping racket!! :rofl:

02-07-2008, 01:27 PM
Molly makes a broken helicopter sound. I always know when he's coming near me. Piper and the two babies are like jets - zoom, zoom, zoom. Daise is kinda like Molly - a broken helicopter, but with hovering and Olivia just calls me to come get her :rolleyes:

02-07-2008, 02:01 PM
we always know kiwi is coming, cause he chirps louder than ever, from the time he takes flight till he lands. i can't hear what his wings sound like over the chirping racket!! :rofl:

:clap :happy: :rotfl :rofl:

That's great!!