View Full Version : an update about jackpot

02-08-2008, 07:27 PM
jackpot is the service dog that we gave back 3 weeks ago, to become a guide dog. we recieved numerous phone calls telling us how beautifully he was responding to training, and we were so proud.

they called again last thursday to say that he had developed severe diahrea, which has been a constant problem since he was 7 weeks old. we told them what they could do to help, which medicines to give him, but they felt they couldn't risk placing him in a handicap home, where he could need extra care.

so...this tuesday, they offered him back to us. while we were sad he wouldn't help others, we are beyond delighted to have him back as our family pet. we will take him to our vet, and find a food for him that works with his sensitive stomache. and perhaps in the summer, we will take another mira puppy. meanwhile, if you want to see the story about my beautiful jackpot, you can go to the link below.


and no worries, the pic of him and kiwi was closely monitored. he is never usually allowed that close, but my hubby just needed to have that one pic!!

02-08-2008, 07:39 PM
Robyn, I am sorry that Jackpot didn't work out, due to his problem, but THRILLED that you and your family will now be complete.... with Jackpot! :clap :clap :clap

He is just beautiful! :)

02-08-2008, 07:58 PM
I was so sad for you- now I'm ECSTATIC for you!
I'll bet he's glad to be home- he didn't know why he had to leave you.
Congratulations :D

02-09-2008, 05:19 PM
Robyn -- he's just GORGEOUS!

I'm sorry that things didn't work out the way that you had hoped but I'm thrilled that you will be able to give him a loving home :)

02-09-2008, 08:37 PM
Congratulations on hitting the Jackpot! So glad for you that he will be a part of your family now. Jackpot is a gorgeous dog. I hope you can work with your vet to manage his stomach problems.

02-10-2008, 09:47 AM
thanks everyone!! a surprising moment yesterday - kiwi was on my shoulder with jackpot asleep at my feet. they have never shown any interest in each other, and i liked it that way. we had trained jackpot from the moment he came to us, that kiwi was the alpha, always higher than him, and not to touch one feather on kiwi's little body. and i still never, ever left them alone together.

kiwi flew right to jackpot's back yesterday, looked him in the eye as if to say, "so i hear you're staying - remember - i'm the boss!!!!" jackpot put his head down as if defering to a master, and, kiwi flew away.

it was an incredible moment, and i will make sure never happens again.!!! but for one precious minute, predator and prey worked out the pecking order with my 47 gram feathered master coming out the winner. :)

02-10-2008, 07:09 PM
Oh isn't he adorable... !!:) I'm so glad to hear that you'll be keeping him, what a happy update. His home was always supposed to be with you. And I love the picture with kiwi, knowing how careful you were being. you can see who is the boss in the household :lol

02-10-2008, 09:13 PM
I'm very sorry to hear Jackpot has problems with an irritable bowel thats hindered his acceptance as a service dog. Even so, hopefully over time there will be a way to help him get some relief. What a special poochie Jackpot is and surely your loving efforts have brought out the best in him. Big hugs to all of you and a kissie to Jackpot from Goofy lovebird........:)

02-11-2008, 06:34 AM
Aww! Jackpot looks like a sweetheart! Congrats on having him back.