View Full Version : Do you play sounds for your bird?

02-09-2008, 07:57 PM
I've downloaded a bunch of sounds for Fenway. He didn't react to them earlier, but now he's chirping up a storm. Is this comforting to him or is it some kind of cruel punishment. Sadly, he did come from a pet store, I wanted to take them all home. I thought that maybe if I played some sounds it would make him feel comforted.

What do you think?

02-17-2008, 03:01 PM

I would watch body language when you play the sounds. If Fenway likes them, you can tell by the way he acts. On the other hand if he appears aggitated, or scared, you will be able to tell that also. Mine do like some sounds,while others freak them out. It's pretty east to tell which ones freak them out, as they get this jumpy, jittery thing going on, and sometimes run for the safe tent.

02-18-2008, 01:16 PM
what kind of sounds?

I have to leave my lovie home alone during the day while i'm at work, and i leave the radio on for him.... on the weekends, i go to visit my parents & he comes with...they have a female loviel, but we keep them separated, but man... they chirp up a storm btwn the two of them! i dont' know what is being said, but i don't think i could play chirps for him when he's by himself... would it be like watching TV & yelling at the game for him? LOL

02-18-2008, 02:43 PM
Bird sounds. LOL. I think I have one of a lovebird, budgie, chickadee, robin, etc. He seems to enjoy them, kind of like when we watch youtube together. :rofl:

I guess it would be like talking to TV, not yelling. LOL. He isn't upset, he kind of just talks back to it.

02-19-2008, 05:42 PM
When at home i watch lovie videos on youtube and that gets them going, and when i leave for work i leave on the animal planet channell:D

02-19-2008, 05:51 PM
I put the Treehouse music station on for them as it has a lot of little songs that i sing to them on it. They are the only ones that like my singing :D When I sing I change the words and put their names in . They all like that especially Bo .