View Full Version : Sleepy birdy. hungry birdy

02-13-2008, 07:04 AM
I read that lovebirds get about 10-12 hours sleep a day. I haven't really measured Fenway's sleep, but he usually is pooped by 9pm and sleeps until around 8 or 9am, which is when I take him out. If I take him out after 9 pm, he usually just cuddles OR if he sees his play basket, he goes to pig out (another question will follow regarding this). He is definitely not a morning bird yet, because when he first comes out of his cage, he is a little groggy (just like his Mom, LOL). He also takes naps during the day. He is most active in the afternoon, between 2-5 pm.

How much should he be sleeping? I know he's still a baby (a little more than 1/3 of his beak is still black). Is he like any other baby and sleeps more? Should I be worried? He is still eating (A LOT, it seems, LOL) and coming out of his cage. He will often take a nap on top of his play basket or on the back of my neck. When he's tired, he isn't really grumpy, but he knows that he wants to sleep. He's kind of like his Mommy. LOL.

Also, during the day, his cage is uncovered (well, the blanket is still on the back of his cage, but full light goes into his cage).

I've recently discovered that he LOVES to eat. I've been mixing his pellets with some seed (maybe about a 1/4 of the food is seed). He spends a lot of time eating. I've been offering him apple this week, which he turns his nose up to (but I kind of expected that because everything I've read said lovebirds are somewhat picky). If I go out today, I'm going to buy some cornmeal to make some bird bread. Should I limit what he eats? I've been chalking up the eating and sleeping to him being a baby. Babies sleep alllll the time. When they aren't sleeping, they're eating. I didn't know if it is different for birds.

He is otherwise "normal". He has his really active time when he chirps happily and gets into trouble. Yesterday, when I was putting a toy in his cage, I knew he was going to try to fly out. I told him, "No sir, Mister! You will not fly out of this cage" because we were getting ready to eat dinner. Yeah, he definitely flew out of his cage. My husband laughed and said that even the bird is defiant. No one listens to the Mom! LOL.

The other question I had was about wing clipping. Do you keep your bird's wings clipped? When we bought him, the woman said their wings had been clipped. I think they are only partially clipped because he can fly clear across a room. The other night, he was playing with my hair and then flew from my neck all the way (about 10 feet) to the TV. I thought he was going to hit it! He landed on top of the cable box, which is the same height I am while sitting. So, he didn't lose any height while flying. All the birds I've had before had their wings clipped (the conure I had also had NO interest in flying, he was content to be carried around like a King, LOL). I just don't want him to get hurt.

My husband says I'm being a bird hypochondriac. He could be right. LOL.

02-13-2008, 09:49 AM
And oops! I didn't mean to post this in breeding. Sorry!

02-13-2008, 12:06 PM

Birds require about 10-12 hours of uninterrupted sleep in a dark quiet environment. I cover my birds cages at night and close the door to their room. Since birds don't see well in the dark, I also have a night light. If I don't cover the cages at night, the night light is moved to the bathroom next door. That way it's not too much light to interrupt their sleep.

I don't clip my birds wings anymore unless I have to. Clipping is very good for safety and it is not cruel. When a bird is clipped, he can't get too much speed or height - no flying into walls, windows, etc... I do have three lovies who fly like jets so every once in awhile I clip their wings to slow them down a bit. Over time you will get to know your bird and how he minds you. Wing clipping is great for taming. :)

02-13-2008, 02:26 PM
I took him to the bird store earlier (they clip wings) and they said he was good. Then they saw him fly across the room. LOL. They still didn't clip any more off. He flew from the kitchen into the living room a few minutes ago! I swear, he's going to be the death of me!

I do cover his cage at night. He is downstairs and we sleep upstairs. He also has a nightlight, but not near his cage (in a different area of the room). It just seems like he naps a lot, but then is back to playing during the day.

02-13-2008, 07:53 PM
whoa. gigi NEVER wants to sleep. she runs around all day (i dont know what she does while im at school. probably screams endlessly) but if it werent for the fact that i make her go into her cage at roughly nine or ten each night and put her in the hall with a dark cover, i swear she would never sleep. once in a while she takes a nap on me (like in my picture) which is so sweet it hurts.

02-14-2008, 04:41 AM
I had it with both of mine. They slept so much, just like babies! And would always scream for food. But once they grew up a bit they just never quieted down! They go to bed at around 6/7pm (it gets dark very late so I just cover them) and when I get up at 5:30am they start singing and screaming for me, but I only open them at 7.

02-14-2008, 06:18 AM
Okay, good!

He didn't really take any naps yesterday, but even after I uncovered him, he slept until 8:30. He was a handful yesterday, I think he was mad because he went in the car. LOL. But at least now, he has a travel cage.

Same thing with the eating though. LOL. He is a piggy! Should I be limiting his food to only so much a day or just let him be?

Another thing is that he makes squeaky noises when he eats. He almost sounds like a squeaky toy. LOL. It's obviously something that isn't bothering him too much because he continues to eat (and it usually only happens when he is head first in his food). I don't think he's sneezing because his sneezes are softer (he sneezed once and he was too cute!). Is he bird grunting or something? LOL.

02-14-2008, 10:27 AM
My birds take naps a couple times a day. When Molly was young like Fenway, he slept more often during the day and always slept 12 hours overnight. Now, mine will go to bed a little early if they play real hard while out of the cage. They usually go to bed at 7 pm and I get them up at 6 am. They went to bed about 6:30 one evening this week which is unusual for them, but they played hard when they were out that day.

Mine also make noises when they eat. If I give them something different, I hear a lot of excitement noises as they eat. It's too funny! :D So you see, Fenway is a typical lovie :clap

02-14-2008, 11:38 AM
LOL, Jackie! It is SO funny to hear him make the noises. He also has to be inside his bowl when he eats. He shovels food every where with his feet and makes the little noises.

He still isn't stepping up and is still a bit hand shy. But if I were to stick my head in the cage, I bet he would jump right on it. LOL. I'm not sure if he realizes my hands are an extension of me.

02-14-2008, 12:31 PM
I have one who is hand shy too so I offer a perch, my arm or elbow. He hops right on. But...this is the same baby who climbs all over me and will let me kiss him on his chest while he's on the perch :rolleyes: Oh, and he's starting to play Peek-a-Boo with me while he's in his cozy :happy:

02-14-2008, 12:35 PM
Aww! He won't step up onto a perch unless it's his own will. LOL. Fenway let's me kiss his beak and face. But when I pet him, he makes this little chirp chirps. I'm guessing it's a "Don't touch me, woman!" but it's so darn cute. LOL.

02-14-2008, 12:57 PM
And just because he's cute, here is getting ready for a nap. LOL.



02-14-2008, 01:55 PM
I just love that little baby face! He is too adorable :clap Molly use to sleep in the palm of my hand when he was about 4 weeks old. As he grew older, he stopped - I sure do miss it.

02-14-2008, 03:51 PM
awwww - he's just a wee one, with a wee one adorable face. Kiwi always slept alot as a young one, in the palm of my hand. He still does - he's always been extremely mellow, plays a bit, sleeps a bit, eats alot, poops non-stop, then sleeps some more. I think they are all so different, with unique personalities. Yours sounds perfectly fine.

And may I say again, he is absolutely adorable!!

02-14-2008, 04:16 PM
Aww, thank you! >o

Yes, he eats, sleeps, and poops! LOL. Oh the poop!

Here's a video of his tweet tweets. I swear, he's probably cursing me. LOL. Don't mind my baby talking him. :rofl: The camera (which I don't use this one often) was making that funny noise. http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v212/isisofthegarden/?action=view&current=101_4796.flv

02-14-2008, 04:43 PM
omigosh! my baby makes the same noises when he wants to come out of his cage! I think of them as his little "beggar" noises...."please please please!" to let him out...lol!

My past lovies only made that noise if I accidently caught a sensitive feather when I was giving them head skritches....

Yours is soooo cute!!

02-14-2008, 04:48 PM
he's even sweeter live in action. i forgot how cute they are at that age!!!

02-14-2008, 04:48 PM
Yes! He is probably saying, "please, please, please let go of me! I don't want your fingers on me (but I will definitely sleep nuzzled in your bathrobe!)" LOL!

And earlier, I moved the bird tent I made him above his perch, so that it was more secure and guess who was in it after we finished dinner?! Yay! I think I will make him some birdy bread. LOL.

Edited to add: I also realized that he's searching for the little pellet bananas when he digs in his food. LOL. He tried getting one that was in the bird mess catcher thing around the cage.