View Full Version : Happy Huts and Night time cages

02-14-2008, 07:35 AM
I need to get Peanut another Happy Hut, his is wearing a bit thin and I am concerned because of all the dangers I hear about them. Anyway, was it hard to switch your lovie to a different type? I am anticipating trouble for when I do get another one. Am I worrying for nothing? I can not imagine Peanut not sleeping in something.

Also, does anyone use a night time cage? I would like to start putting Peanut in a night time cage, but I, again, am thinking it will be hard to make that change as well. Any advice?

02-14-2008, 09:00 AM
Hi Sherry. I actually had the problem of my lovebird rejecting any other cozy but one that Shylevon had sent me. We've got four the same size, shape, and similar material, but his preference remains undaunted. Really though, he never had been very fond of them to begin with as I've tried offering them in the past. I do feel it may help to either make or get one thats very similar to the original, otherwise just wing it and see what happens. Either way, it can take some time for acceptance, maybe even a few weeks :roll:. As for the nightime cages, there are members who have some benefit from using them for various circumstances like when bird/human activities take place in an area that resumes much disturbance not suitable after their bird retires for the evening. I'm sure depending on your birds personality there can always be some conflict in which case keeping the prefered cage their sleeping quarters may be in their best interest. I know others here have managed to utilize day and night cages so hopefully they will share their views.........:)

02-14-2008, 03:53 PM
Hi I use a night time cage for my Bo , she was a chronic egg layer before I got the nice big day time play cage. Moving her every night resolved this.( no eggs for a year!) I'd also like to add that the routine is a very anticipated and enjoyable time for all of us. Surprisingly cleaning all the cages is easier as none of them get too messy. I have a budgie as well and she needs to be kept separated from the 2 lovies she can be in the same room but not free and I need to protect her if the Bo and Cookie are out, I move her cage every night. My birds love this "flock" activity . This may not be for everyone but it works for us. They all say nite nite and i love you every night :clap As for Cookie she is not always in the mood to be in the play cage so I move her cage out to the living area too. They call for me around 8pm to be put to bed and want to get up at 9am. All of them are hens sooo we get a little moody sometimes. I'd say do it if your bird is tame you will love it! Bo flys to her night cage and if the door is not open she will land on the door knob and comes back to me and trys to tell me to open it but she is unique as are all our fids . This is just my opinion and not something that was recommended.

Buy A Paper Doll
02-14-2008, 06:28 PM
I have a similar arrangement as Bomom in that my lovies have a big daytime cage, and a smaller nighttime cage. At this point my pair will accept any cozy that I put in their cage. But it was not always this way. I had several that Shy made, but Melody only liked the red one. The same cozy made out of another color was deemed unacceptable for months. I tried explaining to her that I wouldn't have to take her red cozy away as frequently if she'd just stop pooping in it but that conversation didn't go anywhere.

02-14-2008, 07:02 PM
i will soon be getting peaches a new hut as well. as the one she has now is getting worn and i'm worried about lose threads. the one she has now is the furry kind, but this time i'm going to try the felt? or the other material they make them in as i've read more horror stories with the furry ones. not sure how she'll take to it, but we'll see. i'll let ya know. and i always keep her in the same cage. it's nice tho cause it's on wheels so i can move it to the bedroom at nite.

02-15-2008, 05:23 AM
Thanks everybody. Peanut also has the fuzzy kind and that worries me, plus he poops in it contantly so I have to keep washig it. I think I will get one other one in the same color, and one in a different color too just to see if he accepts a different colored one. If not, Evie our teil can have it.

Peanut is very tame and we have a night time routine where I rock him to sleep while he is inside my shirt snuggling against me. I love that time of night! So precious! I hate to pry him out of my shirt to put him to bed, he objects to it and I hate making him leave. So I thought if he could at least sleep in the same room as me then it would make the night time adjustment go more smoothly. However, I know that I would disturb him when my alarm goes off in the AM and I have to get ready for my day. Decisions decisions. :)

02-16-2008, 10:19 AM
Peanut took to a new Happy Hut very well. He slept in it last night and is now sitting on top of it pouting because he is in his cage and not out chasing the cockatiel LOL I had to buy the same kind of hut because the store did not have anything different. However, it is a different color. I'm going to wait to decide on a night time cage. For now we will stick with the cages we have.

02-16-2008, 05:56 PM
i got peaches her new hut today ! it's the "felt" kind not the furry and it was a little smaller than the one she had...BUT...guess what? when i put it in her cage she hopped right in it! she's in there sleeping now.

02-17-2008, 07:26 AM
Yeah! Good job Peaches!

04-01-2008, 12:43 PM
Hi, does anyone have a link to one of the felt huts?