View Full Version : Been away...

02-17-2008, 05:57 PM
Hi everyone,
I've been out of touch for a week. My mother-in-law had a stroke, so I'm in Cali until next Friday staying with her in the hospital. I'm getting little sleep, but it's worth it to be with her during this time. She has begun to learn to swallow again, but is still paralyzed on one side of her body, and doesn't speak.
Anyway, to my questions...
1. By the time I'll get back, I'll have been gone for two weeks. I left Jack and Chino in the care of my husband, who is not very fond of the birds to begin with. He's taking care of their physical needs (feeding & cleaning), but has not been letting them out as much as I do. Chino gets out every other day or so, and Jack bites my husband, so has not been out at all.
Do you all think I'll have to totally re-tame Jack when I get home? She had already begun to be testy with me because of her eggs, but hasn't bitten me. Apparently, she's been really latching on to my husband, though, just for giving her clean food & water.
2. At the time I left, Jack had a few days left to sit on her eggs, before the time I would have expected her to give them up. That would have been around the 10th or 12th of Feb. Today is the 17th, and she is still sitting. Should I have my husband go ahead and take out the coconut she laid them in, or should I wait till I get home?
and sorry this is so long...

02-17-2008, 06:23 PM
Hi Jeni,
Sorry to hear about your mother-in-law! California is a beautiful state but not the way you're seeing it!

Jack is very occupied with her eggs at the moment so I think you lucked out there. Being a protective lovie hen, she doesn't find visitors welcome so I don't think you will have to re-tame her!

I would leave the eggs alone. If she wants them gone, they will disappear. Right now they are giving her something to keep her busy.

02-17-2008, 07:25 PM
I'm sorry to hear about your mother-in-law Jeni - I hope she continues on the road to recovery, slow and sure.

As for yoour feathered friends, you have already established a relationship before you left, that I think they will forgive and forget quickly. Once you are home, and get back to routine, they should be back on track as well.

Take care of yourself, and keep us updated. :)

02-17-2008, 07:44 PM
hi jeni,
wondered where you'd been? hope your mother-in-law has a good recovery!
i think your fids will be happy to see you. it must be hard being away, knowing how much they love you and how well you take care of them. but i'm sure your hubby will do his best.

02-24-2008, 01:06 PM
I'm back! Was gone for two weeks, and though it was extremely hard to leave my Mom, I was glad to get back to my family, dog and fids. My husband was getting torn to shreds by Jack, so she wasn't getting out of her cage. Chino was getting out, but not every day. I think they were really glad to see me too.
I walked right to Jack's cage and she started rubbing her head all over my hand. I let her out for a while, and took out her nest. I'd have thought she'd would have given up on the eggs around the 10th or so, but she didn't. I had bought her a new toy before I left, so when I took out her coconut nest, I hung the new toy in it's place. So far she doesn't seem to be missing it too much.
Whew! The way my husband was describing how she was acting, I thought I'd have to re-tame her all over again.
Chino, my little runt gcc is getting bigger. He is actually now visibly a little larger than Jack. He should be around 8 months or so now. The breeder couldn't tell me an exact hatch date, she could only give me a one month window.
Hi to all, and I'm looking forward to reading all the posts I missed while I was away.

02-24-2008, 01:21 PM
Jeni: I hope your mother in law was showing some more improvement while you were there.

Glad to have you back. It sounds as if your fids missed you even more :rotfl .

Buy A Paper Doll
02-24-2008, 02:51 PM
Hi, welcome back. I'm so sorry your mother in law had to go through this. Hopefully things in your household will settle back to normal (or as normal as a house with birds can get). :)

02-24-2008, 05:11 PM
Jeni, I'm sorry to hear about your mother-in-law and hope she continues to improve.

I'm so happy to hear that Jack gave you a nice welcome home! :clap

02-24-2008, 06:01 PM
Hi Jeni. Glad you finally made it back to the comfort of your own home. I'd also like to extend my prayers to your mother in law in hopes she recovers well from the effects of the stroke. I know how difficult it can be as my mother had four, and even though she was limited to a wheelchair most the time she still managed to live out her life independently. Hopefully the time you've spent with your mother in law is just what she needed to help get her back on her feet. Anyways, we're sending a few beak rubs and scritchies to Jack and Chino as I'm sure their very glad to have you back...........:)