View Full Version : Traveling & I can't bring the lovie....

02-18-2008, 01:27 PM
I just adopted my new lovie in mid January, and I'll be going on a 2 week trip mid-March till the end of March.

I'm nervous to ask my relatives to watch him... you know... will they remember to change his food/water? Will they talk to him or ignore him?
Normally, I'd leave him with my folks, but that's who I'm traveling with!

I'm flying from Maui to Oahu & then Arizona, and back again.... we're visiting family in AZ & probably NM...so even if I could bring him, i wouldn't get much time with him....

Oh... i am feeling guilty and frazzled. He's a velcro birdie already...loves to be out with me & likes my shoulder & his head skritches..... What will 2 weeks without me do to him and our relationship?

I don't know if there are any professional sitters or the like, or even if they'd take li'l birds...

I'm so worried! Someone give me some tips or reassurances...thanks!

02-18-2008, 01:47 PM
I'm not gonna lie to you! You lovie is going to be upset with you when you get back from your 2 week time away. It will require extra TLC from you but he will be OK after a few days.

Have you thought about boarding him at your vet's office? What better place to get good care!

Isn't amazing how quickly 50 grams of feathers can steal a human heart! :whistle:

02-18-2008, 02:48 PM
I would ask your vet or look into pet sitters (there are some that will come to your home, but I would be careful who you choose).

02-18-2008, 03:30 PM
I think if your the primary caretaker most the time you'll win back your birds magnetic personality even if his parrot memory is considered ephemeral. Even so, I still think they can retain bits and pieces of memory that we may just be unaware of. Especially sounds and food :rolleyes:. The only thing that bothers me about some facilty care is exposure to other animals indirectly by the care staff themselves. I think if you choose one you should be allowed a very thorough overview of the facilty and the staff who will be administering the care as well. I kind of prefer family or friends myself, but then most of them are well versed in animal care to begin with. I would though, have to make sure there was an understanding that should I call on my cell phone, I may have to speak to Goofy lovebird to make sure he's not only being spoiled but behaving himself too.............:)

02-18-2008, 04:30 PM
I would look into a pet sitter or your vet office. Unless you can leave your bird with a family member who you know for sure will follow your instrutions. Twice before I have left pets at home. Once my husband took care of them and the other time my dad and brother did. I typed up and left them a detailed list of what to do. I included emergancy vet numbers,normal vet, foods they are not allowed. I even chopped up and labled their veggies for the days i would be gone. The only thing my birds did not get was out of cage time. My birds would bite my husband and my dad was scared of them.lol. They were mad at me when I cmae home. But after a few days they realized i was home and not going any where.


02-22-2008, 11:23 AM
I leave my pets with my family just because I know that they can take good care of them. The next best thing would definitely be a good pet sitter or the vet's office. I know how you feel. I've been away from home for a week now, and I am literally grieving for my birds :( I spoke to my mom last night and she says that Ammy is taking it the worst of all... throwing his bowls around and banging toys and having tantrums all day long, he even bit my mom and broke the skin on her arm. I hate ever leaving them, i literally ache when I think of Haku and Oki, and my sweet Evie calling for her mama in the evening when she's ready for snuggles and mama's not there. Sigh. Two more days and I'll be home... can't wait....

02-22-2008, 11:38 AM
If you are NOT comfortable leaving your lovie with family or friends, the vet is the next best option. I boarded Molly at the vet's office and I was excited to know the girls in the office played with him all the time while he was there. I used my own cage with his toys and took some familiar food (seed & veggie mix) so Molly would not be shocked with everything being new. I called just about everyday to check on him. The vet said everyone calls to "talk" to their pets and not to be embarassed >o Good Luck!