View Full Version : Traveling with the fids

02-19-2008, 05:27 PM
Every June, my family and I take a trip up to Michigan for a couple of weeks. This'll be my first June with Kitty (got her last July) and I'm debating boarding her with a trusted pet sitter or taking her with us (we would be flying). I would definitely be happier if I could take her with me, but I'm not sure if it would be best for her.

Has anyone taken their birds with them? How was it at the airport? Was it stressful for the birds? What travel cages would you guys recommend, and what about food, water, etc. Would loudness be a problem with the other passengers? Has there been known to be any adverse effects on the fids with the flying and all? Boy, that sounds silly. :D

I've never traveled with pets before, and so I'm really just looking for input, comments, opinions, personal experiences, etc.

02-19-2008, 05:53 PM
Here's a good article on airline travel with parrots: http://www.parrotchronicles.com/winter2001/travel.htm

Keep in mind that airline regulations regarding animals in the cabin changes from time to time. Some airlines DO NOT allow animals in the cabin (exceptions being assistance animals, like guide dogs for the blind). Some airlines restrict the type of pet or the amount of animals (doesn't matter if they are big or small) in the cabin. It's imperative to do the research now and to book ahead.

Once you've selected an airline, use their guidelines for a travel carrier. The cabin kennel is a good one (see the illustration in the article above) and even the small size is roomy for a lovie.

As for adverse effects? I have no idea. I've only ever driven with my pets but I know folks who fly with critters with no ill effects. It's hard to say what would be better: taking the critters with you or leaving them to the care of a trusted sitter. It's great that you are thinking ahead :)

02-19-2008, 06:23 PM

Yeah, I've checked with all the airlines already, and both of our usual lines allow small animals in the cabin, as long as reservations are made ahead.