View Full Version : Lunar Eclipse - right now!

02-20-2008, 08:27 PM
Go outside and look! It's pretty cloudy here, but I've been able to get a few glimpses in.


02-20-2008, 10:02 PM
It is very clear here so we have a great view!

02-21-2008, 04:56 AM
I think it might explain why ALL of my birds were hyper active last night!:lol

02-21-2008, 08:57 AM
we got some great glimpses and a few good pics!! it was beautiful to see as the moon slowly became orange and covered!!


02-21-2008, 09:43 AM
Wow, Robyn, great photo!

Fortunately our younger son knew when to go out last night so it was a family affair and we all saw it together. Very pretty and just like Robyn's photo.

02-21-2008, 01:16 PM
I had just sent my daughters to bed (9 & 11) and remembered it. Got them up & went outside. I was excited. My girls said "is that all you wanted? :confused: WOW: :roll: And went back to bed. Kids????????????

02-21-2008, 03:52 PM
dave (my hubby ) and i went out around 9:30. it was :cold :cold. (minus 25 celcius) we called daniel (eighteen) outside around 10 ish - he looked, said " man it's cold, nice moon," and walked back inside!! I guess he'll see it again when it happens in 2010????????? :( :confused:

02-22-2008, 11:15 AM
It was lovely, wasn't it? Was a clear, warm night over here, and the bf and I put up a hammock under the mango tree... yay for tropical climates... and enjoyed the whole thing. Mind blowing to me how cold it is in quebec, robyn... -25 degrees celsius... wow :x... i can only begin to imagine!

02-22-2008, 01:20 PM
dani - this has been the longest, coldest winter in a looong time. we had been spoiled over the last few years. last year, we did not have snow until january, and very little of it. this year, it started with a major storm in october, and it has been cooold and snowy since. :cold :cold

the one bright spot is that when it is warmish here in the winter , it is usually also cloudy. so the cold temps brought clear skies, and we could see the eclipse beautifully .

i musy say though, i am ready for spring!!!!!! :rofl: :rofl:

02-22-2008, 04:03 PM
And that why i pay so much to keep liveing here in hawaii lol

02-22-2008, 07:39 PM
And that why i pay so much to keep liveing here in hawaii lol

awww c'mon - wouldn't you love a playful romp in the snow, a warm cup of hot chocolate after, sitting by the softly glowing warmth of the fireplace?????

who i am kidding?????? !!!!!!!!! :nyah: ;)

02-23-2008, 06:16 PM
awww c'mon - wouldn't you love a playful romp in the snow, a warm cup of hot chocolate after, sitting by the softly glowing warmth of the fireplace?????

who i am kidding?????? !!!!!!!!! :nyah: ;)

We got 4 inches of nice fluffy wite powder yesterday!!! :happy: :happy:

Unfortunately it was ruined by the half inch of ice that followed it. >:

02-23-2008, 11:53 PM
I would like a playful romp in the snow and a warm cup of chocolate by the softly glowing fireplace!!!!

i would probably freeze my tailfeathers off though :lol

Tutti's other mommy
02-24-2008, 03:40 PM
Twice it was posted how kids did not bother to watch the lunar eclipse.
Now make it three times!!! I just skipped it and went to bed.:nyah:

Yeah, the weather got really cold. I had a snow day. It was the perfect day for it, too, because I couldn't help myself and read a great book during 10 min. that I was supposed to use to get ready for school. That is why I would never move anywhere too warm- except that... I would!:D

Tutti probably misses the warm weather too, altough we try to keep his cage as warm as summer. But when we take him out, he fluffs at the tiniest little draft.

:cold When will spring come...

02-24-2008, 03:47 PM
I would like a playful romp in the snow and a warm cup of chocolate by the softly glowing fireplace!!!!

i would probably freeze my tailfeathers off though :lol

the problem is that by the time you get dressed correctly for extreme weather at 10 at night, scarf, hat, gloves, longjohns, boots, neck warmer, down coat, you are exhausted!! when my kids were younger, the time it took to get them dressed exhausted me. they would stayout for 7 - 10 minutes, complain about how cold their hands and feet were, and ask to go in.

time to get dressed ---- 20 minutes
time playing outside------10 minutes,
time undressing them-----10 minutes
time spent listening to them complain about how their hands and feet hurt from being outside too long------30 minutes
time watching them sit by the fireplace drinking hot chocolate and marshmallows..............PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!! :happy: :happy: