View Full Version : Bango's feathers are sticking out..

07-18-2005, 08:38 PM
Rather than try to explain it I got a picture..



Bango's feathers seam to be sticking out, the main one is on his wing, and there are some more on both sides near his feet. I was wondering if this is normal or not, and if they can cause him any pain? So far he's been acting like he doesn't notice them, which probably means they're not hurting him..

Here's two more pictures of Bango on his gym and on me, just for fun :p



07-18-2005, 09:25 PM

Looks like Bango may be going through a molt. The feather that is sticking out on his wing may be loose enough for you to pick off, but just pluck at it gently and see if it some out. If it doesn't, you can dampen your fingers a little and rub it back into place. In fact a nice warm mist will help. You can try and rub the feathers down and give his a little help removing the keratin to help the feathers molt on out if he'll let you also. The warm mist will also make him more comfortable as it does help soften the keratin around the feather shaft.

07-18-2005, 09:38 PM
Is Bango chewing on his feathers? Sometimes this can become a bad habit for birds. They don't pluck the feathers but just chew away at them until the shaft flattens out like a drinking straw does when you chew on that. The feathers then kind of curl and stick up. If he is a very tame bird, you may be able to get a close enough look at the shaft to see if there is any chewing damage.

If that is not the problem, he is probably in a molt and the feathers are loose but have not yet fallen. A little bath should help get them out. When my birdies get a few loose feathers, I gently hold them in a bowl of warm water and run my fingers gently over the area. This pulls the feather that is about to fall out gently, and if it needs to come free it will.