View Full Version : nightmare!

lucky melatonin
02-23-2008, 08:17 PM
the other night i had the most awful nightmare. but first here's the background...

the day before, i'd been talking to my mom about getting her dog because i didn't trust my step-dad would take good care of him (she's getting a divorce and can't keep him in her new cabin). i told her i really wanted him, but he's a really big dog and i was afraid he'd eat my little birds (he's part weimaraner and part pitbull!)

well the next night, i had a nightmare....it was me and my boyfriend and we were at these some people's house and i had the birdies with me on my shoulder. well they had the flops (my weimaraner) for some reason. i wouldn't let the birds move from my shoulder. well, at some point, i'd thought the flops had left, so the birds got down, and all the sudden, HE APPEARED AGAIN! he ripped all my francis birds tail feathers out (they were all scattered on the ground) and bit the dude's leg. i snatched them up and burst into tears screaming. then i got so freaked out, i woke up (at 5:30 in the morning!)....

i told my boyfriend i had the worst nightmare ever! he asked about what and i told him...he says..."that's not a nightmare." i was like whatever, it was the worst imaginable one!

sorry this was long and silly. just had to share my neuroticism. but at least i'm sure most of you guys would agree that it's the worst nightmare ever.

02-23-2008, 09:15 PM
Dogs are predators and birds are prey. You nightmare has been a reality for some who don't believe my first statement. I have 2 Corgis that live with me and Corgis are herding dogs. Do I trust them around my birds when I'm not around? Nope! I don't even trust them around my birds when I am here!!

I work with Corgi Rescue and one requirement for me to foster a dog is lack of obvious interest in anything that flies!

lucky melatonin
02-23-2008, 09:24 PM
oh yeah, i'd love to have him, but i don't even trust him in the same room with the birds when they are locked up! he's the kind of dog who'd knock over their cage to get them, not just wait for them to conveniently present themselves. weimaraners are hunting dogs as well, so it would definitely be a risk i'm not willing to take.

02-23-2008, 11:11 PM
My sweet girl was the sweetest doggie with my birds. I doubt I'll ever find or have another dog who is so forgiving of my lovebird madness. She was but many/most will not be.

BirdTalk Magazine did an article about a year ago discussing which dogs "might" do better with birds and my dog, a sheltie, was on the list of dogs that do accept birds better than most but I would never trust that w/o proof. My dog DID accept my birds, 100%. She dealt with my bird(s) for over four years, with grace.