View Full Version : Wierd movements

07-19-2005, 03:53 AM
Lately Ying has been coming up to Olive preened him for about 3 seconds then turn her back to him walk a bit then crouch down she will repeat this for a while.Olive sometimes crouches down walks backwards away from Ying but still facing her then settles and sings his heart out :confused: Any suggestions?

Joanie Noel
07-19-2005, 07:12 AM
Hi Cam. When you say they crouch down, do you mean they kind of bow their heads down? It sounds to me like they are both wanting the other to preen them. When I first introduced Kirby with Maple and they were hitting it off, Kirby constantly wanted to be preened and Maple didn't seem like she knew what to do. He kinda crouched down in hopes that she'd preen him. Does Olive preen Ying in return?

- Joanie