View Full Version : ???????

Pips mom
02-26-2008, 12:10 PM
Is there some reason now for days I am unable to see any other topics but this one and photo stories and the biter one?? I cannot see any other ones and it also asks me to log on every time now too, I am just wondering why and if it's just me???

02-26-2008, 12:45 PM
Maybe something in your computer is forcing you to log out every time you click around the page?
Not sure how to change this though >.>;

02-26-2008, 12:51 PM
Is there some reason now for days I am unable to see any other topics but this one and photo stories and the biter one?? I cannot see any other ones and it also asks me to log on every time now too, I am just wondering why and if it's just me???
If you can only see those 3 forums, you are not logged into the community. Once you login, are all forums visible? They should be. At one time, all forums were visible to unregistered users but it generated a huge amount of potential members who were spammers, so I changed what unregistered/not logged in can view.

When you are logging in, you will see a box underneath username and password. Check the box and your computer will remember you again. Have you updated your browser lately? That might have had an effect on what happens when you come here. I've not updated to the newest version of Firefox yet, but I had a few problems the last time I did the version upgrade.

Pips mom
02-27-2008, 09:34 AM
Thank you Linda, I got it now! All I had to do is check that box!