View Full Version : just something funny i thought id share

02-27-2008, 12:33 PM
so recently, i took in a bunny that was searching for a new home. the bunny has free run of the house (we've bunny proofed) as does my gigi. and we all can imagine just how timid and nervous and, well, harmless a little dwarf bunny can be. well gigi doesnt think so. whenever she spots the bunny, she screams at the top of her lungs like shes announcing "RED ALERT RED ALERT RED ALERT DANGER DANGER DANGER!" and comes running to me for protection. the bunny just sits there. its absolutely hilarious. also, if theyre ever face to face, gigi will lurch at the bunny (i try not to let them get face to face). the gall of this teensy little bird. she used to lurch at my roommates cat when she was here. (we dont have cats anymore, hence, gigi being able to run freely.) im so in love with her.

02-27-2008, 12:52 PM
:lol So you have an evil bunny, huh? You got a picture of this evil bunny? (Bet he's cute! :whistle: ) Does Gigi like carrots? Better not catch that evil bunny eating Gigi's carrots :D

02-27-2008, 03:01 PM
Of course the bunnys evil havent you watched monty pythons search for the holy grail.. its a vorpal rabbit!

03-01-2008, 11:04 AM
We have a bunner, but our birds like to go down and eat his greens and play around him. He just sits and sniffs them when they do this. Of course, our bunny is a millet hound and we have to watch him. Seed is not good for bunnies and our's used to get into the bottom cages and grab millet8o .

03-01-2008, 12:37 PM
I have a new bun too! And yes, Evie thinks he's evil :(. But he's a cutie, his name is Baxter, and Evie thinks he gets way too much food and cuddles, and that I should banish him. I don't trust my birds with my sweet bun, they would maul him I think