View Full Version : NEW BIRD??????

02-28-2008, 03:14 PM
OK I really want to get another lovie to keep my Keiko company as I work alot but as Keiko LOVES me to death,will another lovie via for my attention annoy her and make her into a monster?
I just have visions of cuddling the new lovie and Keiko getting jealous and hurting the new one say 'mine..keep away'.
I have had her for about 9 months now and she has been alone all that time.
Do I need to get her company?..she's not feather plucking or anything stressful.
Although she was naughty yesterday and saw that the side of the cage has two little doors and forced one open and I came home to find her on the top of the curtains.(now the doors are padlocked...lucky I closed the door to the room before I left home).

02-28-2008, 03:26 PM
If Keiko is very bonded to you, she may or may not want the company of another lovie. It's one of those things that is hard to second guess. She may enjoy another bird or you could end up having 2 birds living in separate cages and just communicating through the bars. Most of my lovebirds have companions but at least one will not tolerate any other bird even being within his air space!!! He's actually the most aggressive male I've ever seen in my breeding career!

While lovebirds generally tend to be social, there are exceptions to everything... How does Keiko react to her reflection in a mirror? (Nope, I'm not suggesting to give her a mirror, just asking what happens when she sees another lovebird! :D )

02-28-2008, 03:39 PM
I play her lovies chirping on youtube and she gets all excited and chirps back and I think she knows its her in the mirror because she kisses it then looks at me,then looks at me in the mirror.

02-28-2008, 04:28 PM
When I brought in Wrigley to be Fenway's buddy, Fenway was a complete velcro birdie at the time. :) Now that he has an avian friend, he is much less clingy to me. Wrigley is a very sweet, almost shy bird, but does not like to be handled by me. He'll put up with it once he's caught, but he loves a good game of catch! ;)
Fenway won't really tolerate being held for scritches any more. :rolleyes: He does come and visit me often, and Wrigley will join him on a shoulder or up on my head, but the relationship between mommie and the birds is really quite different now. I talk to them both and they listen intently, and I can see in their eyes that there is affection, but the nature of our interactions and relationship is different. Fenway doesn't see me as his 'mate' anymore, so his needs from me have changed.

Although it took some time to adjust, I am really happy with the decision to get Fenway a friend. It makes me really happy watching the two of them together. They always sit side-by-side on their swing at night at preen each other. TOOO CUTE! :nyah: I guess I am just happy Fenway has someone who speaks "lovebird" and they keep each other company all day while I'm at work.

Anyhow, there's never a guarantee that the two will get along, or that they will both like mommie-love, and you need to be prepared for that as well.:)

Just my :2cents:

02-28-2008, 05:56 PM
If Keiko is very bonded to you, she may or may not want the company of another lovie. It's one of those things that is hard to second guess. She may enjoy another bird or you could end up having 2 birds living in separate cages and just communicating through the bars. Most of my lovebirds have companions but at least one will not tolerate any other bird even being within his air space!!! He's actually the most aggressive male I've ever seen in my breeding career!

While lovebirds generally tend to be social, there are exceptions to everything... How does Keiko react to her reflection in a mirror? (Nope, I'm not suggesting to give her a mirror, just asking what happens when she sees another lovebird! :D )

Ditto ignores the birdy in the mirror most of the time. He does look at the shadow birdy on the wall once in awhile but then it's right back to me.

02-29-2008, 05:03 PM
Sunshine loves his reflection in anything even water lol boo could care less she knows she pretty lol

02-29-2008, 06:15 PM
Although she was naughty yesterday and saw that the side of the cage has two little doors and forced one open and I came home to find her on the top of the curtains.(now the doors are padlocked...lucky I closed the door to the room before I left home).

Well, although this is not exactly how we would wish to find our lovebirds when we arrive home from being at work all day, I kinda like when hearing about all the naughty birds around here :). When Goof is being a really bad boy with behavior like destroying shirt sleeves, ear screeching, cage trashing along with all his other questionable antics I know he's feeling pretty good about himself in trying to get the upper hand. I wouldn't trade this naughtyness for anything as I know that not only does he put a lot of thought into all this but it keeps him active as well. I really think if I had two they would likey conspire against me :omg:. Speaking of mirrors....He gives the birdy in the window plenty of kissies. By the sound level he emits when doing so I think he may like himself better than he does me!............:very_sad:...............:)