View Full Version : OK - Ready to buy a new cage .... HELP!

02-28-2008, 11:53 PM
Well, Eddie's New Cage Fund houses enough $$ for me to shop for a new cage. After 3 hours of research, and scouring this forum, I have found I think 2-3 picks. I was looking for everyone's opinion. ** Of course if you have another one that you like, I am still open to suggestions.

The first one:


The cages I am interested on are the top two on this page. One is a single flight cage, and the one below it is a double.

The second:


This one am am thinking is like the first one in the above link?

So........ I know that the biggest cage possible, is the best, but I was wondering if I get the double flight, will one lovie be lost in it? Will he be under stress from having to search for predators over the larger area.

And..... if the cage is double the $$ is it really going to be that much better for him?

Eddie has clipped wings and I am trying to promote exercise while I am at work. (and I am hoping he'll burn some energy, at night (usually as late as 2am) when I want to relax, he is wired!)

Let me know what you think please.

02-29-2008, 02:36 AM
My Bo never felt lost in her big cage and she is very strong she likes to hang upside down at the end of her bong and rube her head on a toy that is hanging there.

02-29-2008, 05:11 AM
I have the first cage on the first link and the one on the second link both. I would suggest the second one. The first cage a single door is harder to clean the cage with. I do not think a double cage for a single bird would be needed.


02-29-2008, 09:29 AM
I have three of the second cage you picked - white, lt grey and med grey. I love it! as do my birds. Plenty of room and easy to clean with two doors. My dad has the first one you pictured - the one with the one door like the second. It's not near as easy to clean or move perches, dishes, toys, etc... around. :2cents:

02-29-2008, 10:33 AM

This is the cage Bo has, I see some of the other ones look the same but the ladders and shelves are not included. I'm in Canada so suppliers that will ship here are limited.

lucky melatonin
02-29-2008, 10:42 AM
i like the second one as well. and i know it's one of the ones a lot of people here have and reccommend. my cage is about that size, but a different kind (and probably much harder to clean). so the size is good, for sure.

Pips mom
02-29-2008, 12:58 PM
I also have the cage in the second link, the HQ one with two doors, for my tiels, and they just love it! Very easy to clean too. Pip doesn't have a huge cage like this and probably never will because he spends almost every minute out of cage! That plus the fact that he HATES getting a new cage and seems to be a big adjustment for him! AND when he's in cage, he tends to stay right in small area of it, so much that only that part of the cage gets dirty! SO----why buy this big cage and he is going to just sit in one spot the whole time while in?? I think he feels that IN cage means NO fun and no playing! He knows what he wants and he wants OUT! :D

02-29-2008, 02:23 PM

How is the quality on this model? I called then and they said that it was not made by HQ. Is it heavy duty? Has it rusted at all?

02-29-2008, 02:37 PM
Sorry to butt in, but there are several of us that have the HQ cage. I bought it last December when I got Wrigley.

It is a GREAT cage for the money! It is plenty sturdy for lovies, and spacious! My two LOVE it.

It comes highly recommended by many members here.:D

If you email and request a shipping quote, they respond promptly with the amount.

Here's the link one more time:


02-29-2008, 04:19 PM

How is the quality on this model? I called then and they said that it was not made by HQ. Is it heavy duty? Has it rusted at all?
No this cage has not rusted it's powder coated and I've had it for 14 months one big move on the back of a truck. I check it for chips regularly and only have one little on on the out side that has not rusted. The door latches are not really safe so I use a plastic link to lock them because Bo is clever little fid. It is so easy to clean a damp cloth for touch ups and I use GSE for a big clean up. No complaints on this cage from me or the fids.