View Full Version : My new Lovie

02-29-2008, 08:49 PM
I got my new Lovie today.
She is gorgeous although I am a bit annoyed that the lady on the phone quoted me $25 and when I got there they were $40.
My Keiko is chirping away to her and she is chirping back and occasionally it sounds like she's laughing (I hope Keiko's not telling her stories about me).
I will post some pics when I get some taken.
I need a name for her?...I have been calling her Mardi (as its Mardi Gras Weekend here in Sydney and it follows in the alphabet as My name is Jamie,Keiko (my 1st lovie),Lyndsay (My partner) and so I thought it should start with 'M'.

02-29-2008, 09:38 PM
I must say good luck with your new lovebird and prayers her and Keiko always stay healthy and happy together. And of course, we'll be looking for those pics so don't you forget em! My guess about the extra sales tax is it was still worth it. Heck, if Goof was for sale and they asked too much I'd probably end up making payments! I think its that hypnotic lovebird stare they give when you first look into their eye's 8o..... OK, so is Mardi official yet?

02-29-2008, 09:45 PM
I just read in a book you must quaranteen them in separate rooms for 90 days but I had them in the same room all day and they were quiet and when I put the new one in the lounge room to get used to our movements they made such a racket squarking to one another...so I put them back in the same room..not too close tho.:happy:

03-01-2008, 12:48 AM
ahhh I am being driving MAD.....my apartment is small so even tho I put them in two different rooms, they can still hear each other and are constantly squarking to one another.

03-01-2008, 06:46 AM
Quarantine is best in another room. The squacking will mellow down once the excitement passes in a couple of days. I know it's tempting not to follow quarantine but please consider the impact it could have on each one of the lovebird if one is sick with no symptoms right now and the other one gets comtaminated.

Also, have you taken your new bird to an avian vet? It's a step that many people skip but is as important as the quarantine.

03-01-2008, 10:39 AM
I just read in a book you must quaranteen them in separate rooms for 90 days but I had them in the same room all day and they were quiet and when I put the new one in the lounge room to get used to our movements they made such a racket squarking to one another...so I put them back in the same room..not too close tho.:happy:

A real quarantine means totally separate air space. I kept my new birds upstairs in a bedroom with the door closed all the time. Oliver was downstairs. He never even heard them. I agree with Elle that a vet check-up, asap, is necessary. I took my new birds to the vet the day after I got them and had the "works" done to be sure they were not carrying something they could pass on to Oliver.

03-02-2008, 03:17 PM
so how do I shut them up?
they contstantly squark to each other if they are in seperate rooms. If they are in the same room but on other ends of it they are fine and nice and quiet.
I live in an apartment so I don't want the noise to disrupt the neighbours.

03-04-2008, 02:59 AM
I am making progress after just one week.
Tonight Mardi didn't run away from my finger when I put it in the cage.
And when I covered her to go to bed she was peeking out under the towel at us.
Also she saw how I opened the door to refill her dishes and began opening them so I had to put a clip on them...fast learner she is.:rofl: