View Full Version : new lovie posts

02-29-2008, 11:24 PM
Ever notice how there are so many posts that start with " thinking about getting a new lovebird" ?
See proves how addictive they are!
Michael is strong willed but even goofy talked him into getting more birds even if they are finches!:rofl:

03-01-2008, 02:39 AM
One of our last hold outs is Dave but he wants one of everything but hasn't done it yet (or the Dittobird won't allow it)!!!


03-01-2008, 06:42 AM
I know I am guilty of it too. After the first one, it's so easy to say one more will not make a difference, lets do it! Then one more!:rotfl

I know it's a good thing I really don't have any more room for another cage in my living room otherwise there are so many birds I would be rescuing.

The other funny thing is how we are looking at buying a house with enough bedrooms to have a bird room or a solarium for the birds. I've never said it out loud to Dan but once we have our house, we most likely getting more birds or starting a rescue/rehoming center. :lol

03-01-2008, 10:51 AM
The problem isn't getting another lovie. It's trying to stop getting birdies:rolleyes: :rolleyes: . We've gotten two lovies in the last six months and all I want is more birdies.....especially big birdies that could live in the brand new macaw cage that still sits empty in our living room 8o .

03-01-2008, 01:44 PM
Lovebirds are an addiction I swear. The dark-side is strong every time I look at Pet-finder or in the newspaper. But for me it is any pet in need. My poor husband has the patience of a saint with me and my pets. My pets have bite him,pottied on him. pulls his hair out, and fallen in love with him. Yet he still lets me keep them. If I had the time and could afford it my house would be a zoo.


03-01-2008, 05:19 PM
I am in total agreement!!
:clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap :clap
I want an aviary FILLED with the little darlings....I love them so much. Once a bird lover...always and forever a bird lover!!:rofl:

03-01-2008, 05:38 PM
I can't live without my pets and even my lovies. It is funny lovebirds are totally different than any other bird, they really demand your attention.

03-01-2008, 07:11 PM
One of our last hold outs is Dave but he wants one of everything but hasn't done it yet


who me? :whistle:

(or the Dittobird won't allow it)!!!

Ding, ding, we have a winner. People aren't allowed to touch me or they must die, I can't imagine what he'd do if it was another bird touching me. :omg:

Then again, he might surprise me...:whistle:

03-02-2008, 07:57 AM
Pet stores, Pet Supply stores, anything with the word pet is a big no no for us. Yep, us. Not just me. My hubby is just as addicted. He called me 2 weeks ago about an albino in a pet supply store asking me if I wanted it LOL I knew it was actually him wanting her and he was in a roundabout way asking for permission. Ok, truthfully, he does not need permission to bring home another fid unless it looks capable of eating me LOL

03-02-2008, 11:46 AM
i have forbidden myself to enter pet stores, as i walk out feeling guilty, sad, upset, wishing that i could have taken home each and every animal in there.

right now, for me, adding another bird would place added stress in a home already filled with 2 incredibly active sons, one active husband, a puppy, snake, kiwi, and a saltwater tank. i know that if i add to this environment, i would not be able to give kiwi the attention, security, and love he needs. so while he, for the time being, is a single bird, he is well and truly loved by the whole family, spends more time out of cage than in, and most importantly, is happy, healthy, safe and content. for me, right now, this works.

so........when i need dog food, snake food (you don't want to know what my son feeds him :confused: :( :x ) kiwi stuff, etc.., i send my sons!! :rofl: :rofl: :omg:

03-02-2008, 07:19 PM
Last February I bought Haku, this February I found myself disoriented and confused, wondering how on earth i went from having a lovebird, an amazon and dogs to a year later having a lovebird, an amazon, dogs, turtles, a macaw, a parrotlet, an agouti, fish, a rabbit.... and so fast too... and i have a gnawing fear in my gut that it's not over :x

03-02-2008, 09:22 PM
This is too funny! I just read this post after answering another one about adding a lovebird! We got our first two lovebirds in August and we now have seven and I'm in agony about getting four more that need a home. I need to say No and I truly want to say Yes! This is nuts! They are all so adorable! This is insanity! Now my husband has started saying things like "you don't have to let them have babies". From what I have read here these little hens can be very determined and have their own ideas about that! Today for the first time I actually thought of removing the furniture from a guest room so we could use it for birds! This is truly crazy! Linda

03-05-2008, 06:10 PM
Worse in my household as i am am like i guess we could add a sun conure and my girlfriend goes i realy want that scarlet macaw!
Oh is that all a 3000.00 bird plus haveing to buy a new condo so we would all fit...... Worse thing is i'll probably be posting "meet my new addition" in like 3 months.. i am soooo weak! lol

03-05-2008, 10:49 PM
for now, Baby is still an "only birdie".

I've been looking though, and its soooooo hard to go to the pet store and not want each and every one of them. My youngest daughter says she is afraid I will become a "crazy bird lady" like my sister in law was. That woman had a moluccan cockatoo, a green cheek conure and a blue and gold macaw. She eventually gave them up to a rescue (many years ago) because she could no longer care for them in the manner in which they needed and deserved.