View Full Version : New family member(not a bird)

03-01-2008, 01:50 PM
I finally got my birthday present(a bit late). We adopted a puppy Wednesday. I did not post til today because we had to be sure our cat would allow it. Cosmo was here first and while he and i do not get along he has a say so too. Marie is a 3 month old half Lhasa Apso half jack Russell terrier. She is a bundle of energy for sure. Everyone loves her also. Because of the breeds she is has in her.She will never be allowed in same room as Drac when he is out. So it seems that my house is getting rather full. We know have 4 kids,a cat,a bird,and now a puppy. I think my husband may be catching onto my plan to have a zoo though.lol.


03-01-2008, 01:59 PM
That or hubbie finaly realised the busier you are the less chores you give him or less times he has to listen to " the lovebird did the cutest thing today!"
lol just playing :P