View Full Version : something amazing!!!

03-01-2008, 03:42 PM
O.K. Last week I was working in the yard when a Dove came to visit me. I got him eating eating out of my hand. Jokeing I called him Dad, my father passed away 4 years ago so I thought maybe he was coming to vist ha ha.

Well this bird followed me everywhere I went it was so amazing. Today I was again in the garden raking leaves and down he comes, so I knelt down and called him to me and he came. I went inside got some more wild bird seed and called him to me and he landed on my hand eating the seeds out of my palm.

Do you think this could possible be a rescue bird at one point or is he looking out for me and maybe my guardian angel. (lol)


03-01-2008, 04:02 PM
Either way it's one of those sweet moments that makes life so fun to live:)

03-01-2008, 04:03 PM
Barbara, is it a white or off white dove? They are sold in some pet stores and it's possible this dove was purchased as a pet and then let out when the novelty of having a pet dove wore off. Another possibility is that someone other than a licensed rehabber helped this bird along the way, possibly due to an injury or orphaned situation and imprinted on the dove. A friend of mine who is a licensed song-bird rehabber told me that the wild morning doves that she's rehabbed over the years will try to follow her around so she is very careful to keep them at bay so that they can be released when ready. Sounds like your dove is doing OK in the outside world so maybe he just wants a little human company every now and then! :) OR, it could be your guardian angel! :)

03-01-2008, 04:25 PM
Thanks for the comments. Janie it is a grey dove. I feed the birds here and flocks of them come every day to feed, but this one only comes to me when we are alone outside, I got one kiss on him before a flew off my hand, I probably should not kiss him I don't want him to catch anything from me. Should I interact with this bird or should I ignore him. I have already given him a lecture on the cats in the neighborhood. lol

03-01-2008, 07:07 PM
Barbara, I don't know where you are located but that sounds like a Morning Dove and like you, I have flocks of them in my yard every day. I also feed the wild birds. :D Anyway, it sounds like this bird is doing well outside, eating on his own and friendly with the other MODO's and it probably is a bird that was rehabbed for some reason in the past and is not afraid of humans. I don't think it matters if you give it special attention but DO wash up good before touching your own birds. I wear one pair of heavy rubber clogs when I am in the back yard and leave them in the garage when I come inside so that I don't track any of the wild bird droppings in an area where my lovebirds are. I also scrub my arms and hands with soap/water after I've filled my feeders.

Don't worry about your dove catching something from you.....worry about catching something from him. :)