View Full Version : Getting in the cage?

03-03-2008, 07:11 PM
Lately Keiko has not wanted to get back in her cage and I always have a fight on my hands.She has her own room so I moved all her playsets into the room and left the door to her cage open.
I made sure the only food or water was inside her cage, is this a good idea?
Will she go into her cage before she dies of hunger?
I want her cage to be something she enjoys being in...not something she is in and enjoys more when she is out. she has lots of toys,ladders,bells etc in the cage to enjoy.OR do you think I should remove all her playgyms from the room so she has nothing and MUST go back to have fun??

03-03-2008, 07:50 PM
ALL she does is squark like she wants to go back in but went I go to put her in she flys away...ggrrrr

Buy A Paper Doll
03-03-2008, 08:35 PM
If it's any consolation, I have problems with this too. There are times when my birds hang from the back of my shirt where I can't reach them, just to avoid being put back in their cage. They just don't wanna go, no way, no how. Never mind that as soon as they get in there, they go straight for their food / water dishes. Silly birds.

So frustrating, isn't it? I suspect a wing clip will help your situation. Then she won't fly too far away from you and you can get her in the cage without too much of a battle.

Pips mom
03-06-2008, 10:47 PM
Pip is the same----he wants to be out every chance he can! He even sleeps out of his cage! right next to it though on a little platform area and it has a ladder over it and I cover it up after he goes there ready to turn in for the night. I think lovies really love their freedom and hate anything that might hold them back from what they want to do! I think this is also the reason that Pip does not want hands touching him. He actually is pretty good though about going back into his cage for me, BUT as soon as those wing feathers start growing too much, he starts taking off and not going back in! so a wing clip here really has worked wonders with this, and this is how I judge when his wings need to be clipped again. I say---sorry Pip, but I can't keep going into work late and saying that I can't get my bird back in his cage! He knows though when it's time to go back in----he knows the routine, and knows this is what I want him to do, and will do it pretty easily. As the wing feathers grow though, so does the attitude!