View Full Version : 2 or 3???

03-07-2008, 08:47 PM
Okay, so I think I may give in and get Luna a pal. I think I am aware of the "What Ifs".

What if:

1. they don't get along?
-I will have to keep them in separate cages and either give them separate times out or supervised time out together.

2. I accidentally end up with opposite sex's and have eggs to deal with? -I will either let them hatch and deal with all of the stress of raising baby lovies or boil the eggs and replace them hoping that they stop laying...

3. they fall madly in love and don't want anything to do with me?
-I will be sad for myself, but happy that they are happy together and enjoy watching them preen and love each other, taking pictures of them from a distance :D.

4. I get a sick lovie?
-hmmm... would have to think about that one. I definitely don't want to bring one home and then decide I need to take it back. That wouldn't be good. There are so many factors. I have a small rental house and it would be dangerous for me to have a sick lovie in the house. If during the 30 day period before they meet I were to find out that he/she was sick then more then likely Luna would become sick. There really isn't a way for me to ensure they have separate air space. I will have to think about this a little more. I don't want Luna to be sick. Maybe I can find a closed aviary to get one from.

5. I get one and they bond and love eachother then one dies.
-then I would have a sad, lonely grieving lovie. I still think it would be worth it to Luna, though. This is where the "it is better to have loved and lost..." phrase comes into play.
This is just the beginning for me in the thought process. I will have to think about it a lot before I decide.

There definitely would be added expense so I am not sure about that.

The reason I am thinking about this is purely because I feel so terrible for poor Luna. I feel like she should have someone of her own species to be with. In the wild they aren't alone, so I think naturally she wants to be with another bird. It makes me sad to think about it.:very_sad:

Sorry this is so long, for some reason I just felt like I needed to get my thoughts down.

When I can afford it I really want to have my own Aviary. It wouldn't be for breeding purposes, just for my own enjoyment. That is way... down the road, though.

(I know, bubbleking, this is another thread about getting a new lovie :D, they are definitely addictive!!)

03-07-2008, 10:42 PM
Hi Becky,

I too, have considered these questions!

I am assuming that Luna is definitely a hen? I have heard of 2 hens getting along but I think it is less likely than 2 males or a pair. So #1 is a distinct possiblility.

I have been through #2 and it is kind of stressful - amazing and beautiful (and noisy and stressful!!) Honestly, I wouldn't want to do it again!!

#3 - My 2 birds were bonded to each other. The hen tolerated me. The male was a bit more friendly. It was great fun to watch them playing together and cuddling (not so great when she was nesty and biting his toes!)

#4 - worries me too! And now I know that my Squeaky has a feather condition that is thought to be viral which could be passed onto another bird (although his mate never showed any signs of the condition!!) Quarantine for 30 days and a well-bird exam at a avian vet (as well as getting a bird from a very responsible and careful breeder) would be your best defense against this.

#5 - :very_sad: This is what happened - after 13.5 years together, my hen died and left my Squeaky alone. Sometimes I think I have a harder time with this than he does! I am starting to think he may like the single life now!

Expense is a factor, plus time to care for both birds separately (if required.)

It is great you are thinking of all the possiblities. It is obvious that you care very much about Luna and are thinking of her!

Keep us posted on your decisions and good luck!!

03-08-2008, 12:44 AM
Hi Becky,
Kudos to you for thinking about all the ramifications of adding a second lovie to your flock! It can be a big step and you have to think about all the possibilities that can happen. Forethought is the key to avoiding surprises.

I, personally, believe that birds need companionship of their own kind. After all, they ARE birds! While there are some, such as my male Abby Echo, that are perfectly content not to have a birdie companion, I've found that's the exception rather than the rule. With my larger parrots, I have 2 of each, even if they don't necessarily interact the way I had hoped.

03-08-2008, 05:29 AM

It does take a lot of thought getting another lovie. When I first bought Molly he was 3-4 wks old and getting a "friend" never entered my mind. I bought Daise when Molly was about 9 months old. They didn't get along and never have. I was broken hearted. A few months later I bought Piper. Daise took Piper under his wing and they hung out together which left Molly to stay velcroed to me. About 9 months later I got Olivia as a christmas present. She and Daise hit it off and Piper was "dumped". I felt bad for Piper as Daise dropped him like a hot potato for Olivia. About two months later, Molly befriended Piper right in front of me in the birdroom. I couldn't believe it! Molly would run to me for protection everytime one of the other birds came within a foot of him. He was a momma's bird and thought he was human. Molly and Piper have been best of buddies ever since and so three birds later everything has worked out :rolleyes:

03-08-2008, 04:56 PM
Becky, I know you have and will continue to give a lot of thought to adding another bird and that's a good thing! I waited for two years before getting two more and the only reason I got two instead of one is because I did not expect Oliver to accept another bird at his age (8ish). I never expected that all three would get along so well and could be out together in their bird room during the day. That are all males which I'm sure helps.

Anyway, Oliver has loved the company of another bird. While he's as bonded to me as ever, he does enjoy their company and I enjoy not feeling guilty when I leave the house.

It is an added expense and two make twice the mess as one. I would definitely start looking for a good breeder that's within driving distance to K'ville and I would also pay to have a new bird DNA'd before buying it. The first violet that I found through my breeder turned out to be a hen and I did paid to have her DNA'd but when the new clutch (Big Boi and Shy) were old enough to DNA she did not charge me the second time around. Personally I think a DNA'd male would be a better choice for you whether Luna is really a female or a male. You might even find an older male needing a home.

Good luck in your decision! :)

03-08-2008, 06:23 PM
Thanks everyone for your advice! I am definitely giving this some thought. I will start looking around to see what is out there. No Luna isn't a dna'd female. She hasn't shown any "definite" signs either way. I don't know why I say "definite" as there are no definite signs I guess... well lets put it this way, no eggs, of course she is only 8 mths old. Wow! I just realized she is 8 mths old. Crazy how time flies. Janie, I was thinking about the guilt thing too! :D I hate going out and leaving her alone. It makes me sad. Sometimes I have to travel for work (not often, but it happens). I can't take her with me so she has to stay all alone (I don't leave her all alone, my husband takes care of her, but he doesn't spend time with her). Nobody else will take her out of the cage. I would feel much better knowing she had company. I will definitely have to get her dna'd (I'm crossing my fingers for a male :D) before I get another one and was thinking from all that I have read it isn't likely that 2 hens would get along. That's mostly why I am hoping for a boy, they seem to be easier to please all around.

Janie, you mentioned finding an older male needing a home. Do you think if she really is a she that she would accept an older male and not mate with him??? I know age matters to lovies but I hadn't really thought about this. Just wondering. I know there are never any guarantees of course.

03-08-2008, 08:17 PM
Becky if you get a male that is a halfbreed (half ficher half peachfaced etc)
he will be sterile so they can swishy swishy all they want and none of the eggs will be fertile:) just a thought.

03-08-2008, 10:28 PM
Becky if you get a male that is a halfbreed (half ficher half peachfaced etc)
he will be sterile so they can swishy swishy all they want and none of the eggs will be fertile:) just a thought.

Great thought :D lol!!!:rofl: :clap

03-09-2008, 01:29 PM
Becky, from what I've read here an older male is a better choice for a female. I don't necessarily mean years older but maybe 6 months to a year. I've read that a hen might be very aggressive towards a younger male. Even if Luna is DNA'd as a hen, you could still cage her with a male (considering that they like each other) and then prevent eggs from hatching if there are eggs.

After observing the positive changes in Oliver since adding Shy and Big Boi, I agree 100% with Linda..... birds are birds and they do enjoy a companion. I'm still as popular with Oliver as I was before I got them but I have no doubts that they've improved the quality of his life (he eats so much better now) and made him a happier little lovie.

03-10-2008, 09:49 AM
Well, I guess I will start looking. I really want Luna to be happy and have the best quality of life possible.

I think I will have my own house by this time next year. At that time Luna will be almost 2 years old. I am thinking it would be best if I waited until then. Would there be any reason why I shouldn't wait?? I mean age wise do you think she would be less accepting then?