View Full Version : Found a Lovebird at my school ... he needs help!

03-08-2008, 09:55 PM
Hey gang,

In my travels around my school I found a little lonely lovebird in the preschool area. I think he is old, and once had a mate that died earlier.


How is he looking to you guys?

His cage seems big enough, but it had NO toys in it. 2 perches of the same diameter and a swing. I brought him a sleeptook away from Eddie early on. This bird is FEARFUL and very flighty. Below is a pic of his cage before I added some goodies. I need to donate more things to him, like some different perches. He eats seed only and has never got any fresh foods. Poor thing.


03-08-2008, 10:14 PM
Hi Laura,
The lovebird is a Blue Mask and they are flighty by species personality. No way to tell age but it looks like the tip of his beak was broken off at one time and has regrown. It doesn't look overgrown but you can tell something happened.

The cage is excellent size but those plastic perches have to disappear!

Anyway you might be able to adopt him or is he a permanent "fixture" where he's at? I agree. Poor thing.

03-08-2008, 10:22 PM
He is a "permanent fixture". The kids draw pictures of him. A co-worker of mine said he has been there for as long as she has worked there.... 6 years.

I feel badly for it because he could have had a better life.

I had decided not to introduce any other birds here with Eddie, so the next best thing is for me to bring it some things it needs, and try to better educate those whom care for it.

03-08-2008, 10:35 PM
awww....poor baby! laura..you're his angel! thanks for "adopting" him.

03-09-2008, 03:27 AM
I'm not sure what you mean by "your school" But I'm glad you found this guy.. He might be old but I'm sure he is going enjoy the change in life you will bring him. :)

03-10-2008, 07:27 PM
Ugh... I'm not a fan of pets in the classroom for a variety of reasons but mostly when I hear of situations like this poor lovie.

The poor dear definitely could use some better perches and some toys. To be fair he might be a bit afraid of the toys at first so it might be best to start with one or two at a time.

Wishing the handsome lad the best,


Pips mom
03-10-2008, 10:48 PM
Awww, poor little guy! Pip just loves toys, and to play, and I can tell what makes him happy is having those toys and time out of cage----without that, I'm afraid Pip would be a very unhappy birdie. I can lure Pip anywhere with a toy! He will follow it----all I have to do is touch it, shake it, or make some noise with it and he runs right over. It's good you found out about this lovie and will get him some toys and good foods.