View Full Version : Do you think I could train Eddie to be my Ringbearer?

03-09-2008, 10:47 PM
Well, this may be silly as I am not even engaged yet, but ...... I have the dream of having Eddie fly down the isle with our rings.

What do you think? How can I train him to do this?

PS- I know his wings have to grow out first :)

03-10-2008, 11:02 AM
Oy, I don't know.

I am assuming that when you say AISLE, you mean a church -- correct?

There are so many places with the high rafters that Eddie might want to go to instead of giving you your ring. Also, the large amount of people there could "spook" Eddie and I wouldn't want him to turn your special day into a horror filled one. (Believe me, I know -- and the pain never goes away!!)

Of course, if it is smaller -- like in your home -- then I don't see why it wouldn't be possible to train Eddie to do that.

03-10-2008, 11:54 AM
I am thinking it would be possible to train him to do it, but like Nickybeth I was thinking about the large crowd. You couldn't get him ready for something like that. (also the dangers of high places he could get to)
If he is anything like Luna, she is interested in all new people and I can't get her to leave them alone. I could just see her hopping from shoulder to shoulder :D.

03-10-2008, 12:58 PM
I could just see her hopping from shoulder to shoulder :D.

Not to mention pooping on all those shoulders! :lol

03-10-2008, 01:10 PM
I know, it sounds impractical, but the thought of it is magical!

I will see if I can work on him flying to me once his wings grow back in.

As soon as the warm weather turns, I am going to take him to my other job and see how he acts in a new enviroment with a lot of people.

Eddie is also letting me stretch his wings out a bit and scratch under them, so I may try a little harness if he lets me! :)

03-10-2008, 03:29 PM
Anything is possible with enough time and treats lol let us know how it progresses!

03-10-2008, 04:20 PM
While I feel its entirely possible, more so than silly or impractical it may be very risky. Personally, I think it would be unrealistic to think that a lovebird could be trained to fly down an isle clutching two wedding rings without the risk of escape or injury. Fully flighted lovebirds regardless of such training efforts by instinct may have a sense of freedom/excitement once exposed to an open area. This coupled with no navigational skills along with the fact they have no added directives from other lovebirds to help guide them to safety explains why it can be so difficult to get them to return once they escape the safety of your home. Lets just say this could turn out to be a very long walk down the wedding isle with much disappointment at the end. Just my :2cents:..........:)

03-10-2008, 04:49 PM
Oh Michael,

You are forever raining on my parade ;)

Who knows ...... sometimes with love and a special bond ....... anything is possible!

03-10-2008, 04:49 PM
while I know it's not what you want to hear, i second Michael's comments. Your one special day could turn out to be a tragedy. I know that you can train a lovie to fly back to you on command, and to some degree, Kiwi does that. BUT....it is in an environment in which he is comfortable, safe, and with people and things he knows. When I try to the same thing with strangers in the house, meaning my friends but people kiwi does not know, he gets distressed and usually tried to find the highest beam to fly to until I resuce him. I just would not take the chance. :)

03-10-2008, 05:03 PM
Actually there is a guy on youtube who uses a laser pointer and a clicker to train his lovebirds and has it so he can point to a certain spot or area...'
Belive its "lovebird laserpointer training" on youtube

03-10-2008, 06:17 PM
Okay, It is a darling thing to imagine, the sight of a beautiful lovebird carrying the symbol of your love down the isle *sigh* but......
It probably isn't really that practical and you will be nervous enough just getting yourself down the aisle. How about this to keep that dream alive but shall we say "tethered" in reality. Could you work on teaching your bird to wear a flight suit (they come in really cute designs) or a little harness? Then, you could tether your little ring bearer to the pillow that the rings are carried in on by someone you trust, who would then take Eddie straight back to his safe and happy little cage. That way you have included him in your special day and you know he is safe so that you can then enjoy your day as well!;) Flight suits take some training but if you have the time maybe it's worth a thought:)

03-10-2008, 07:22 PM
Oh Michael, You are forever raining on my parade ;)
Who knows ...... sometimes with love and a special bond ....... anything is possible!

Ok Ok ...I know sometimes I put out some stuff here thats questionable from time to time and sometimes its just to get a little added response, but I really hate it when I "acci:whistle:dentally" rain on someones parade. Hows this....Provided he wears the flight suit or harness mentioned by Adibabee, and before hand you can get him to bring you from a reasonable distance BOTH rings in the comfort of your own home....I'll.....uh....lets see here :roll:....uh.....I have no idea what I'll do....I was going to say "pay for the wedding" but with my luck!......Hows this! > I'll be a monkeys uncle! :nyah:......So what do you think of that!..............:)

03-10-2008, 09:04 PM
Wow, that is quite a feat if Eddie were to pull it off. Cute! But potentially dangerous. Maybe think of some safer ways for him to participate.

At our wedding in 2006, we had a bird theme (big surprise!8o ) All of our tables were named after birds (the seating chart was titled "Guest's Nests!) Of course, our table was "Lovebirds" and Blue Meanie and Squeaky's picture was there with us (my avatar pic actually!) So, I can understand the desire to have lovies involved!!

03-10-2008, 09:07 PM
:rofl: LOL!!! Did you ever think your little thread would be so popular??!!??

03-10-2008, 11:32 PM
This has been a fun subject. It really would be a sight :rotfl We do love our feather and fur babies and want to involve them in everything! But what I really want to know is how to teach my birds to help with the laundry! Well, at least the shoulders :lol

03-11-2008, 12:23 PM
here's to all the party poopers 8)


i know, i know, its not a lovebird, but its close! :nyah:

Pips mom
03-13-2008, 11:16 PM
You guys are too funny!