View Full Version : Urrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggg!!!!!!

03-10-2008, 09:20 AM
I am extremely irritated about this add right here!! This person posts on a local forum I go to easttnpets.com, she told me not too long ago that she doesn't sell unweaned babies! Guess that is only when it is convenient to her. I don't know, do you guys think I am being too hard on her? Maybe someone here would take some of them since obviously she doesn't care who does it.

WE have babies hatching now. Will be taking a deposit to hold them. Priced cheap to sell quick due to I will be having a baby VERY soon.

Love birds $45
Cockatiels $55
All babies will be closed banded!!!

Not sure of colors yet they just started hatching. Will pull to handfeed in 2 weeks. If you want to feed your baby I will teach you how. I usually do not sell unweaned babies BUT will cuz of going to the hospital soon!!. Will give discount if ya buy more then 1!!!

03-10-2008, 09:38 AM
Sounds like poor planning on this breeder's part to me! She knew well ahead of time when she would be having her baby and she should have shut down her breeding pairs!

Juggling a newborn and handfeeding future clutches is going to be just as challenging. Perhaps she needs to leave the babies with the parents and just socialize them.......... :omg: (Novel idea, isn't it!)

03-10-2008, 09:53 AM
Sounds like poor planning on this breeder's part to me! She knew well ahead of time when she would be having her baby and she should have shut down her breeding pairs!

Juggling a newborn and handfeeding future clutches is going to be just as challenging. Perhaps she needs to leave the babies with the parents and just socialize them.......... :omg: (Novel idea, isn't it!)

It's funny you should say that. I mentioned to her not too long ago about how you guys say that handfeeding should be a last resort and how it only bonds the babies to whatever you are feeding them with. I said socializing would be the way to go. :omg: You would have thought I killed someone or something. She got very defensive and told me she had been doing it forever and her babies are so very cuddly and sweet. This whole thing pisses me off. I would love to have one, but the way she seems online, I don't know what I would be getting into.

03-10-2008, 03:24 PM
Come on Becky, tell me how you really feel! :whistle:

Seriously, I don't blame you for being angry and I agree with you. As Linda said, this was very poor planning on her part. She OBVIOUSLY knew she was expecting a child when she made the decision to let the birds breed and then let the eggs remain with them for hatching. What a dork!

03-10-2008, 06:09 PM
She got very defensive and told me she had been doing it forever
Oh, sure! But does that make it right just because she's been doing it forever??????????? :confused:

03-10-2008, 08:59 PM
such is life.

Pips mom
03-10-2008, 10:59 PM
Oh you don't even know-----people are either not too bright, or just don't care. I found an ad on craigslist a while back where this woman was giving away birds as some kind of prize at her tupperware parties! Can you believe that?? I had seen it once, but then when I came across it again she was giving a tiel as a prize, I just couldn't keep quiet anymore. I posted the ad on the other cockatiel forum I belong to and everyone on there responded to her and gave her ****! Some of them even said they were going to find out who they could report this to with tupperware because its not good for their business when people are getting angry over a pet being treated like a doorprize! I guess it worked, because she no longer posts her feathered prizes!

03-11-2008, 04:23 AM
Poeple who make decisions like selling unweaned baby lovebirds and giving away parrots as door prizes have a moral composition not unlike that of an over filled balloon. Just getting close to these poeple with anything pointed causes them to let out lots of air for safety. I'm certain thats their only "real" defense. Regarding the sale of unweaned babies, I wonder if her husband could take care of them during her hospital stay? Or was she just as responsible when she got pregnant too? You know, I'll bet she goes to lots of tupperware parties. No wonder!

03-11-2008, 09:59 AM
Poeple who make decisions like selling unweaned baby lovebirds and giving away parrots as door prizes have a moral composition not unlike that of an over filled balloon. Just getting close to these poeple with anything pointed causes them to let out lots of air for safety.

:rofl: That's great! (not the situation, but Michael's statement)

I know I am probably being way too hard on her, but it really is carelessness on her part. She is always looking for birds and selling birds. I really wonder how many she has. The sadness of the situation is that this is acceptable behavior to most people and it is done by more people than can be counted. It's so crazy, I swear she said -oh, I never sell unweaned babies, that is just too dangerous. Definition of Never-not until it is inconvenient to me and then it is okay.