View Full Version : My male Lovie-Homer only wants to bite me!

03-11-2008, 08:43 AM
So...I thought I was making progress with my lovies. Marge laid 5 eggs...3 hatched. Homer was getting used to me...when I would change their food and water he would not run from me but stand around...close to my hand. I began to feed him through the cage and he was coming up to me to eat...well now if I get close to the cage he comes over to me and tries to bite me...he doesn't puff up or make a sound...but he wants to bite me...I cannot stick my hand in the cage unless I have him occupied with a treat of seeds...

Does he think I am food:confused: ?

The update on the babies...Mom is wonderful and they are growing...2 of the eggs did not hatch...can I remove them without upseting Marge?

Thank you for your time and wisdom!
Becky N.

03-11-2008, 11:33 AM
He may have been spooked by something or maybe he is just being protective of the babies. I don't think he thinks you are food. It doesn't sound like it is possible for you to let him out of the cage?? It may be different out of the cage. Lovies are very cage protective, I know this is usually a female trait, but I think males sometimes are too.

Luna is sometimes like this, I think it is when I do something unexpected and that startles her or she doesn't like it. Afterwards she nips at my hands when I come near her. It's like she is unsure of my hands and doesn't want it to happen again.

I'm sure someone with more experience will chime in any minute now, but just thought I'd give my:2cents: for what it's worth :D.