View Full Version : hi this is tessie....remember me?

03-12-2008, 09:40 AM
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii....i havent post anything in two months i think...well i am good working hard for me and my babies....one day i came home from work and chichi couldnt move his leg i really dont know what happend the avian vet said that he might had an accident inside his cage but chichi is health is good....but he seems not active like he was...i am trying my best to make him feel better i change some stuff around inside his cage so he can reach everything like his food and his toys but he just wants to sleep and he doesnt make noise anymore....my tootee is good and loud as always, and my cockatiel is learning to talk, and yeah he is a boy his face is all yellow....my dogs are great now that i work at petsmart they have everything and the best, the same with my cat...and working there is so good because i see people buying things for their pets, after all the animal cruelty in this world everyday i see people that love their pets and that feed and help the homeless animals too...i dont really like the manager in charge of the live animals (she is very strict lol)...but i feel good when i see her kissing all the small animals oh gosh i dont know how she does that ewwww i would never kiss a rat...like i was writing lol....she lovesssss animals more than she loves people i think...another manager loves cats and she just adopts anycat that people just bring to the store thinking that we are a shelter....when someone tells me about a stray cat or dog abuse or hurt i always contact my friends from the shelters that always buy tons of dog and cat food in the store lol...i just found this video and i hope u guys like it....



03-12-2008, 01:53 PM
Hi Tessie. I hope your Chichi has a good recovery soon so he can be himself once again. Its good to hear you also enjoy working at the pet store and are able to experience the positive things poeple do for their pets and strays. I did watch the video and found it kind of sad. Whenever I see animals in cages I pray they will have freedom or get the same love someday we give our babies here at home. Keep an eye on that Chichi and let us know how he's doing. Thank you very much for the update and the video....................:)

03-12-2008, 04:43 PM
There she is!
Glad you made it back and praying for good health for you and your flock.

03-14-2008, 08:20 AM
thanks guys....i will have internet in my cell again pretty soon...but i have had problems....no car blahhhh....i hate not having a car....anyways i just hope chichi would be the same this morning i heard him making some noise when he heard my cockatiel calling me....i felt happy because chichi doesnt even talk like he used to....well anyway its my first time taking the bus, i have to get ready and ask wich bus takes to my job....i hope i dont take the wrong bus....byeeeeeee i hope the best for everybody...

03-14-2008, 03:50 PM
I don't know if you will see this, but keep up the good work! Sounds like you are enjoying life and making a difference. Glad to hear from you again and am keeping you and your chichi in my prayers!!

04-20-2008, 09:18 PM
hi again....another update on me!...well i had to put my chichi to sleep....because another bump develop on chichis leg and it was bone cancer the vet said....he lost so much weight and thats why he wasnt the same...my vet is very surprice how fast the bump develop and how young he is for cancer...he told me its genetic...it was so hard to see him in that situation....i chose to be with him while the vet put him to sleep because i wanted to make sure he wont feel any pain....i had dreams of him leting me touch him and dreams of him playing in my shoulder but it never happen i lost my urpi and my dog kuky and now my chichi so fast but i have two beautiful 0chihuahua, my lily the cat, a lovely cockatiel that tries to talk and a not tame but crazy/cute lovebird my tootee and chubby the hamster plus my fish....and of course i still have the memory of my babies i will never forget them...i will post videos later....and working working like crazy....i will post more tomorrow.....bye

04-21-2008, 02:54 AM
Hi Tessie. I'm very sorry to hear of Chichi's passing. I'm sure with the love and care you've given her she really has enjoyed the best life possible even if it was shortened by this terrible cancer. Its good to hear you managed to stay by her side too. This takes a strong person with a very kind heart to spend the final moments with those they love even though they must pass on. Take care and we'll be waiting to hear more from you. And of course Chichi, you and your whole family have my prayers.

04-21-2008, 08:45 AM
Tessie, I am so sorry! :(

04-21-2008, 08:55 AM
Tessie - I am so sorry to hear about chichi. bless you for staying with him until the very end - he certainly knew he was loved.

04-21-2008, 01:09 PM
hi again.....yeah i try to give him the best life...but i am good and loving the rest of my pets....thanks for the replies...i miss reading everyday this forum but i am just working a lot...saving money since now and trying to have a good credit, my pets and i need a house not an aparment lol....