View Full Version : Skip's tree-climbing habits

03-12-2008, 12:16 PM
I have a viburnum bush in a planter that I bring inside every once in a while for Skip to climb around in. He likes to crunch on the leaves every once in a while, but he also loves to climb down the tree, into the dirt. He likes to eat the dirt! But, there are little beads of (I think) fertilizer in there, so I get him out of the dirt as quickly as possible. Is he eating the dirt to aid digestion, or because his tummy hurts? Should I get some of that bird gravel for him to munch on? What exactly does that do? Thank you!

03-12-2008, 12:55 PM
I am not sure of answers to your why he eats dirt question, but I don't think he should be eating it. Also I know for sure don't get any gravel for him. Lovebirds don't need it and I believe it can be detrimental to their health. Someone with loads of experience will answer soon, I just noticed it had been a while since you posted and no answers. I just wanted to make sure you knew not to get him gravel.

03-12-2008, 02:47 PM
yeah, it's just strange. when we go to the beach he likes to eat sand, too. hmmmm

03-12-2008, 03:47 PM

He really shouldn't be eating the dirt as, like you said, it may contain fertilizer. Maybe take a coffee filter and place around the plant on top of the dirt and then put medium to large pebbles on top. This will keep Skip from eating the dirt, you can still water your plant and the filter will help to keep the soil moist for Mr. Viburnum :)

03-12-2008, 04:57 PM
Grit sand and gravel are not good for the babies they take up needed space in the crop and worse, The beads are fertalizer and are not good for your baby.
That being said as most of you know sunshines middle name is columbus because he explores and gets into everything!
There is no plant safe in his domain so what i did was use a round piece of cardboard cut in a cricle the same as the plant base then cut a slit in it so i could slide it off and on to water.
But wont they land on it or chew it you ask? Well usualy yes but i found they hate hate hate sticky things on thier feet so i cover the entire top the the carboard circle with 2 way tape i also 2 way tape any ledge or place i dont want him landing, works like a charm but the tape does collect dust and require biweekly changeing:)
I am no expert it's just something i found that works for me.

03-12-2008, 10:04 PM
It's just so weird! He loves the beaches around here (we live in sunny florida). He loves to run around in the sand and curl up next to a mini-dune. I guess i can't take him there anymore because he just eats away at the sand!

03-12-2008, 11:47 PM
It's just so weird! He loves the beaches around here (we live in sunny florida). He loves to run around in the sand and curl up next to a mini-dune. I guess i can't take him there anymore because he just eats away at the sand!

Sand, which is basically quartz/silica, can impact the digestive system of even the most healthy lovebird eventually starving them to death. Not only this, but it provides no vitamins or minerals either, at least not the soluble kind. Its possible that maybe because your lovie is eating sand he/she may have a need for minerals. Cuddlebone and mineral blocks would be a healthy alternative to an otherwise very dangerous habit.

03-13-2008, 11:20 AM
Thanks! I adopted him from someone, and she didn't have a cuttlebone in either of his cages, and he doesn't seem to notice the one I put in there. I also put in a mineral block next to his food dish, but I don't even think he uses it. Maybe it will just take him a while to notice it's there...

03-13-2008, 11:59 AM
Thanks! I adopted him from someone, and she didn't have a cuttlebone in either of his cages, and he doesn't seem to notice the one I put in there. I also put in a mineral block next to his food dish, but I don't even think he uses it. Maybe it will just take him a while to notice it's there...

It took Luna a month or so to realize what the cuttlebone was. She would perch on top of it, but no chewing. Then all the sudden I noticed white powder in the bottom of the cage on the newspaper. I started freaking out:omg:. Then... I realized she figured it out. :D Now she gnaws at it all the time.