View Full Version : Ironic

03-13-2008, 08:06 AM
As many of you know, I recently got a Scottish Terrier puppy. At 4 and a half months, she's quite the bundle of wiggling, waggling energy. :D

The training has been slow going, and although we have learned "sit', we have a LONG way to go on stay,leave it, no biting (she's teething like a crazy thing),etc.

Anyhow, last night, I had the birdies out and about for a few hours. Fenway and Wrigley are actually seeking me out for attention much more (which I love) now that the puppy is in the picture....perhaps jealousy? :confused:

The two of them have almost all of their flight feathers back, and both are good fliers but Fenway is a kamakazee, practically doing loop-de-loops around the room! :omg: I have decided to let them have full flight unless I see anything too bold occur, and if either of the two were to dare be a bold birdie it would be the little green monster himself. :nyah:

The two of them like to go and hang out on top of the doorways in my hall, and if I'm in the living room I can't see them. There is nothing in the hall that could hurt them, just an additional space for them to perch and fly to so I don't worry too much about them getting into trouble...
so last night they were in the hall, and Wrigley flew back into the main room where I was. As a habit I call out to them sporadically to make sure they are good and so I called Fenway.........

and that darn bird came!!!!:rofl: :rofl:

He came flying around the corner right to my shoulder! :clap

Does anyone else here have a bird that actually comes to them when called? I was laughing so hard when it happened...I couldn't believe it. :omg: Here I am with a puppy that won't listen to a word but I have a lovie that comes when called. 8) 8)

03-13-2008, 09:33 AM
Hi Carrie,
Yes, I have about a half dozen tame lovies that will come when called or even when they see me or my daughter! It's a really good thing for them to learn, especially in case of an emergency.

Second best is teaching them to go in their cages on command. All but 1 of my larger parrots will do this. My newest flock member (CAG named Sonny) used to be in a breeding situation but turned out to be unsuitable for breeding. He wants nothing more than to be a pet. I've had him about 4 months and my other parrots have taught him what he needs to do when I tell him "Go in your cage, Sonny." He can be anywhere in the room and that command will send him back to and inside his own cage.

03-13-2008, 09:33 AM
I have one that will come (90% of the time) when called.....OLIVER! :D My son found him upstairs in my bedroom twice the other day when I was gone and hubby had opened the door to the bird room. Big Boi and Shy don't venture beyond the bird room and kitchen but Oliver knows the lay of the land and can find both sets of stairs that lead to the upstairs.

Yesterday I was in the upstairs computer room with Oliver and hubby opened the bird room door. Eventually Shy and Big Boi both found their way up to me (very unusual for them) and hung out for a while. They finally left and returned to the bird room but when I took Oliver down Big Boi was missing. :omg: I started calling and chirping to him and he finally gave me a return call. He'd found his way back upstairs using the front entrance stairs and was sitting on my bed.

New rule: Hubby is NOT to let the birds out unsupervised except for Oliver! Oliver is not a curious lovie and when he's out of his room he prefers to be on a human.

Congratulations on your new puppy. :D What have you named her? I lost my "Chelsea" 3 weeks ago but I don't think I'll get another. At my age I'm not sure my heart could take another loss.

03-13-2008, 09:43 AM
I have four lovies who will come when I call them - well, most of the time :rolleyes: Molly, Piper, Daise & Olivia. Molly & Piper will come to me when I pat my upper chest area and call their name. I taught Molly "Fly to me" when I do this and he does. Piper will come no matter what cause he thinks I belong to him. Olivia comes cause she doesn't like it when she can't see me. Daise just follows Olivia. The babies will come if I whistle, which I don't do very well. I've been practicing and then they all fly to me when I practice - silly birds :D

03-13-2008, 02:58 PM
Goofy will come to me most of the time when I call but sometimes there will be a grace period. If I clap my hands or ring his dingy bell though he knows its important to come right away and almost always does. Sometimes he'll try to sneak upstairs where he doesn't belong. I can easily shut the doors up there but instead leave them open. For the most part he knows he's only allowed up there if he's with me but will on occasion make a run for it. Should I clap my hands twice he'll return with quite a protest for me. If I then take him up for an "upstairs inspection", the rest of the day he's happy to stay downstairs...............Training methods used; NONE.....Mutual understandings; PLENTY!................:)

03-13-2008, 03:42 PM
kiwi comes when called - when he wants!! :omg: :rofl: He always returns a contact call to let me know where he is since he has become fully flighted, and most of the time he will come when I call him back. Unless he is REALLY distracted with something much more important, like my son"s keyboard in his room (they are in love - the keyboard and Kiwi I mean! :confused: :rofl: )

03-13-2008, 05:19 PM
Two of my past birds would come to me when I called. It was kind of funny I would say their names and they would fly over and preen me. Congrads on the puppy. We got one not long ago.


03-14-2008, 09:06 PM
Sunshine will come when i give a certain whistle but if i dont have a sunflower seed ready for when he lands he will attack!

03-14-2008, 10:47 PM
And you all thought Eddie wouldn't come to me with those rings ........ haha

We'll show you ;)