View Full Version : Link to dead in shell images?

03-21-2008, 01:46 AM
Hoping someone can help with a link.

I remember seeing a very comprehensive site with images on the reasons for chicks failing to hatch.(DIS) I really thought there was a link in the resource library but was wrong.
I would like to find this excellent site it but haven't had any luck so far.
Blue has had two successful hatches last year but now has two eggs that are not going to hatch. (15 days old with air sack)
I think it must be lack of humidity as it has been a very late hot summer.
I am hoping someone can help.
Thanks Kali

03-21-2008, 02:44 AM
You are correct. There was a link to an online Imagestation album that showed problems with eggs. Unfortunately, the owner does not seemed to have moved the album and if she did, I've not found the new location yet. :(

One of the biggest causes of DIS is lack of humidity so it's very possible that's what happened.

03-21-2008, 03:19 AM
Thanks Linda,

I have been searching for hours, it must not be available.

For now I will put if down to lack of humidity.

03-21-2008, 07:23 AM
Hi Kali. I've also did some searching for photo's of DIS conditions in lovebirds but have been unsuccessful so far. Avian web has some information that my be helpful for now so maybe this will help a bit. Sorry to hear Blue is having problems with her eggs :(. I hope she's doing OK otherwise. http://www.avianweb.com/deadinshell.html

03-21-2008, 10:50 AM
Thanks Michael.
Blue is sitting on three eggs so I am hoping that the third egg will be ok.
It shouldn't be lack of vitamins or calcium, the birds eat better than we do.:confused:
It,s possible that the first two chilled as Blue took a long time to settle.